
My cat is pregnant but now she is acting as though she is in heat, what's going on?

by Guest57554  |  earlier

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She is around 5 weeks, has gained noticable weight...but two days ago she started acting as though she is in heat.




  1. The only way to make sure she is still pregnant, presuming that this pregnancy was a planned mating with a registered pedigree stud, is by taking her to your vet and ask him to check her by palpating her tummy to feel if there are any kittens in there or to do an ultrasound scan to make sure the kittens are there and still alive and healthy.

    Unfortunately, sometimes, pregnancies can prematurely end in the first few weeks maybe by a mild and unnoticeable infection in the womb/uterus and the mother can start to reabsorb the kitten foetuses. Or, some cats can occasionally have what's called a phantom pregnancy and they show all the usual signs that they are pregnant, but they didn't actually get pregnant in the first place and all of a sudden they seem normal and start their heat cycles again ready to be mated.

    If you really want to find out if she is pregnant, but going on what you describe, I doubt she still is, you need a vet to confirm that she is or isn't still pregnant.

    If the mating and pregnancy wasn't planned and your girl isn't a registered entire pedigree queen, I would suggest you spay her (and keep her indoors) as continual heat cycles aren't good for female cats and they are far more prone to pyometra ( a severe infection of the uterus and can be fatal if not caught and treated in time), major feline diseases like FIV, FIE and FELV if she mates with unchecked and unvaccinated outdoor studs/toms. So, it would be much better for her health and temperament wise if you did, as spayed cats are healthier, happier, make better calmer pets and make their owners 'happier and richer in the purse' people, as spayed indoor cats don't need as much vet visits as unneutered outdoor cats.

    All the best.

  2. Cats can be pregnant and go in heat at the same time. This is very rare but that doesn't mean it is impossible. And because of this, a pregnant cat can carry two litters at the same time and give birth at different period of time. Also, what Debbie brought up could be a possibility. A false pregnancy could very well be a reason and you need to bring her to the vet to find out if the pregnancy is valid or otherwise. If she is indeed pregnant, and in heat, you will need to restrict her access to toms, to prevent the occurrence of a double pregnancy.

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