
My cat is pysco?

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ok my cat will watch nothing like its a mouse she will stare into space and just now i was opening the basment door and dust came out but she watched it like it was important! SOMETIMES she will go in the basment but other times its like there is somthing in there shes afraid of! at least once a day she runsaround the house like she saw a ghost! do u think she is seeing ghosts, orbs or watever?




  1. Either she sees something that maybe you can't like a tiny bug or maybe she is seeing ghosts it is quite possible.

    But then again she might just be acting like a cat, they are weird sometimes.

  2. She may be still adjusting. Cats sometimes think we're inferior to them. They rule the roost. They also are very sensitive to their surroundings and sense and feel things we may not. Overall, I don't think your cat is psycho, basically being a cat and experiencing the subtle forces around her.

  3. If your cat is new to the house maybe she is just getting acquainted with its surroundings, you should probably talk to a vet, maybe it is sick. I don't think your cat can communicate with spirits though, although that would be cool.

  4. People say that animals are more sensitive to spirits than we are.

    However.... it just sounds like she's just acting like the normal psycho kitty.

  5. Cats are generally very curious, especially when young.

    I highly doubt she's seeing ghosts or anything paranormal; she's just being a cat.

  6. Cats watch dust bunnies gloat. They can sit for hours like that.

  7. Your home is haunted. Cats only can see evil spirits though so you should maybe just burn your house down and just live in a tent in the backyard. P.S. if the demonic poltergeists try to come in your tent you can kill them with a gun or a rake. You are welcome!

  8. lmao Your is GREAT! I had a cat that would go nuts every now and then, my mamaw said they get wild hairs caught in their a$$! But I have also heard of cats chasing ghost, so you never know it could be!

  9. No, just being cat

  10. Is she overweight or had any previous health problems?  Is she old?  My cat is 6 1/2 years old and has bad eyesight.  She's constantly hissing at random things like beach balls, water bottles, or anything that she can't quite see either because its too dark or too bright.  Also, cats have a sense of hearing that is six times better than a human's hearing.  So, your cat might be hearing something that you don't.  Watch to see if her ears are perked up or whatever.  It could the smell of your new house too.  If she didn't freak out at any other houses, you might just need to give her more time at this new place.

  11. i believe personally and I've also heard that animals can sense things we often cannot. I have seen pets in action when they are being their normal selves. I've also seen pets, mine and not mine, act strange as if there was something going on around us. They can pick up on things we wouldn't normally. We have to remember that dogs especially have heightened senses of hearing. Cats are very sensitive when it comes to electromagnetic fields. I once witnessed a cat staring at a door in the basement of an old house, which used to house runaway slaves from the underground railroad. As it turns out, i found out the door she was staring intently at, was an area where many slaves had died. the door is permanently sealed along with a good portion of the basement bricked up. I believe its possible, why not?

  12. Cats normally act that way when there is change. Cats don't like when things change and tend to run behind curtains, watch the floor carefully and running around look a bit paraniod. My cat would do this every couple of weeks for about 1/2 an hour. Sometimes they just go a bit weird for a little while but if your cat has been doing this for quite a long time (Longer than 3 days) it is probably best to take her to the vet.

  13. i think you need to get that cat some help

  14. I dont think she is seeing ghost, maybe she just is a hyper cat. Try switching the cat food or maybe getting her fixed if she has not been already.

  15. my cat does the same thing and he is only 3

    yrs old he doesnt wanna stay in the apt ever he runs around like crazy trying to get out and my cat has never done this ever

    i think cats feel things 40-50% more than we do they see things more there hearing is better than ours.

  16. No, she is just being a cat.
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