
My cat is.................?

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my cat is 5 yrs old. We got her at a pet store. I love her with all my heart and shes the best lil kitty anyone could ever have but ever since she was a kitten she acts so tentitive like i will hit her or hurt her which i have never ever done in my life and never will do. she has her vet checkups and nothing physically wrong with her but i feel so bad when i walk by her she scitters to the side and runs away. what should i do!!??




  1. When most animals act like that, then there was something/someone in there past that has freightened them enough for them to remember it! Just like humans, animals will remember things that mentally damages them! So the most you can do, is when she begins to act frieghtened(sp), give her a treat and pet her to let her know that she has done nothing wrong and that you arent gonna hurt her in any way!

  2. She may have been mistreated as a kitten or at the petshop. If its just recently that you got her, you could go back & ask about her history, in the meantime you can gain her trust by offering treats, petting her gently & playing with her, it takes time.

  3. All cats have different personalities.  In a lot of cases, cats that are rescued have gone thru problems, but sometimes is just the way they are.  I have 3 cats and they are all so different.  One of them is scared when I bring him outside, the other loves to escape and my oldest just hangs out by the door even if is open.  All cats have their own personality, it might be that your cat is just a nervous kitty :)

  4. u have should get to know ur cat better just walk by slowley and if u approach her do it calmley and she might come to u if u have some time just sit neer her and see if she goes to sit next to u just be calm around her and she wont run away

  5. Some cats are just like that.  My female cat has been spoiled forever and yet sometimes, if I bring my hand down to pet her, she'll cringe like she knows I'm going to hit her.

    I have never hit her in her life.  Never even accidentally.  She's so nimble, I've never even accidentally stepped on her tail or foot.  Yet, she still acts like that.

    Sometimes, I think cats do that when they are just startled.  Even if you've never been hit, if someone comes up to you and swings their hand too near, the automatic reaction is to cringe or flinch.

    When I make my cat cringe, I slow down and pet her very very slowly, and speak very softly, telling her what a wonderful cat she is.  I've heard cats respond better to their names if you sing them, so I will sing a silly little line or two about what a wonderful cat she is.  

    Usually she'll be purring quite soon, and any discomfort my sudden movements caused her are forgotten.

    I'm sure your cat loves you very much.  Continue to love her and do what is best for her and I'm sure she'll be just fine.

  6. i had a dog like this. something must have happened to her. just be patient with her and when she is around move slow and try not to scare her. it propably wont get better so you two just have to adjust to her situation and find a way to make it work for both of you.

  7. It doesn't always mean something bad has happened to them in the past. My cat is exactly the same and I've had her since birth. Some cats have anxiety and if you're quick with your movements she is likely to get nervous, as with other cats they can put up with anything. Just give her gentle love, when you talk to her, talk in a calm voice. Some say you can give the cats some rescue remedy and that will help, but you wouldn't want your cats body to rely on it. As long as you know there is nothing physically wrong with her, there's not much else you can do except be gentle whenever you go to approach her :)

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