
My cat is sneezing a lot.....

by  |  earlier

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For about two days she has been sneezing about 15 times in a spirt and then she stops and then she does it at random times. She is about 3 years old. We just got a new kitten about three weeks ago. What could be the cause?




  1. shes allergic to the new kitten aha jk.

    take her to the vet?

  2. my cat did that .. he needed antibiotics

  3. as a veteran cat person, i think she has become allergic to something. check any thing new she is exposed to. cats don 't "catch colds" like we do. if it doesn't clear up in a few days, a vet call or visit may be in order. but first call. it's amazing what you can learn with a phone call.

  4. idk why but take her/he to vet  

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