
My cat is sneezing strongly since last night. How can I help him??

by  |  earlier

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It just started yesterday. I am very concerned. I really hate to take him to the vet again but if need be I will. Last week I had to spend $180 for minor ear infection. Please Help me!




  1. really just bring him to the could be serious

  2. Just go the vet...Im sorry but you shouldn't own animals if you can't foot vet bills.

  3. He has probably got a cold or he is getting an allergic reaction to something new, Keep him inside until the sneezing has stopped. If he continues like this you should take him to the vet.

    hope i helped :D


  4. You should call around and find a cheaper vet. That's ridiculous. Have you recently vacuumed or dusted?  You may have stirred up some dust.  If the cat has any discharge from nose or eyes, it's probably infection and you need to get him to a vet. If you were around any infected cats, you could have brought in an infection on your clothes or hands. My cat Willie has allergies and sometimes has sneezing symptoms which I treat with Temeril I got from the vet. If the sneezing persists till tomorrow, I would have him checked out.  Do not give your cat any medicines without your vet's approval. Even if a med works for one cat, another may have an underlying condition which would make the med unsuitable for him.

  5. If you are really concerned, you should take him to the vet. My cat had an Upper Respiratory Infection just last month and the vet bill wasn't bad, Office fee plus $30 antibiotic. My cat got better almost immediately. URI's can spread into a serious lung infection if they aren't treated and it could kill your cat.

    If you want to wait to see it if gets better you can, but I recommend the vet now. My vet also told me to get a child's decongestant called "Little Noses" (the decongestant, not the saline). It's a nose spray, she said put it on a Q-Tip and dab it in the cats nostrils to help break the mucus down.

  6. Has he been near the pepper pot? I know it sounds daft but you never know... have you bought into your home a new plant or flowers? he may have hay fever (yes cats do get hay fever!) ... if it doesn't clear up in a short while then there is nothing wrong with a trip to the vet if for nothing else but your peace of mind... check first though that its not allergic reaction to something he has been in contact with...

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