
My cat is terrorizing my puppy!?

by  |  earlier

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My cat that I have had since longer than I can remember but she hates my dog! he is only 4 months old and i'm afraid he is going to be scared of everything b/c as soon as she sees him she tries to scratch him and hisses. He just wants to be friends but she hates him. What can I do? I'm scared she's really going to hurt him






  1. Your cat is being territorial because her space has been invaded by the puppy. The puppy has no idea because he's just being a puppy, curious & all. But the cat wouldn't want anything to do with him, right. She won't hurt him. She's hissing to let him know that she's the boss & she's been here longer than he has. Give time & they'll be bestfriends.

    Good luck.

  2. they may never become fast friends but they will come to a sort of detente.

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