
My cat is throwing up clear foamy liquids, what is it.?

by  |  earlier

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he stayed outside all night, and now he is throwing up clear foam, he is a indoor cat,




  1. Sounds like poison to me, get him to a vet just to be safe

  2. How "often" is he throwing up?  Was it just once over a couple hours or has it been several times over an hour?

    It's important because sometimes cats will throw up clear, foamy liquids preceeding or after throwing up a hairball.  Or after they have thrown up a large amount of food.  But if they have been sick, and been throwing up for a long period of time it can be a sign that they just don't have anything left to vomit, and the foam and water can also take on a yellow cast.  This needs to be attended to by a vet.

    If it's something they only do once, and everything else about their health and appearence is normal then they are probably fine.

    But since you have said your cat is typically an inside cat, that for some reason stayed out all night he was probably on the prowel and could have eaten anything from simple grass to a toxic plant, or gotten into anti-freeze which could kill him, a new food that some neighbor leaves out for strays that your cat isn't used to; it could be most anything making your cat sick.

    If you suspect that your cats overall health is different, then you need to take it to the vet today.

  3. My cat had that the vet sed that it was constipation due to poisoning you should take your cat to the vet immediently.

  4. Sounds like a trip to the vet.

  5. I would go straight to the Emergency Vet.  He could have got into something very bad.  And time is of the essence.  Even if it is only supportive care - do not wait, the longer whatever is in his system stays there - the more damage is being done.

    Good Luck.

  6. It is definitely an upset stomach caused by something..spicy foods or a toxin that your cat encountered. i could be as simple as walking on a newly mopped floor and then cleaning its paws or bug spray.  Observe him and then make the judgment of whether to have your cat seen by a Veterinarian.

    The Veterinarian most likely will not know why he is throwing up but can let you know if his respiratory rate, heart rate and capillary refills are doing OK  and if  your cat needs any emergency services.

  7. Yucky! lol

    I think he just ate something, like grass, he should be fine just keep an eye on him if it keeps persisting in a day or two call the vet!

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