
My cat is up there in age and seems to only licks the gravy from his cat food. Is there a way to improve this?

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Anyone else having this issue with their cat? How can I make him eat more? and if I can't what cat food has mostly gravy so atleast he will be consuming more?




  1. Mom of 2 has a good point...there may be something serious going on that needs a vet's eye.

    Older cats are more prone to kidney and liver problems, and loss of appetite is a key symptom to watch for.

    Does he urinate frequently or in an inappropriate place? How about his water consumption? Lots of drinking/taking in liquids plus frequent urination might mean kidney problems.

  2. When they get old sometimes they lose their appetites, you could try feeding him canned food or a different brand. It may also be that his teeth need cleaning, they may be hurting him and he may not be able to eat dry food any longer. Check with the vet, there may be something else going on.

  3. It is a good idea to take him to vet to make sure nothing is seriously wrong i can tell you have been given him canned food thats fine maybe ya can try blending it so its  the texture of the gravey might be more apt to eat it.Curently only have young cats

  4. He may be doing that because he is having issues with his teeth, have you tried soaking his dry food and adding wet to make it like a paste?

    I would also go to the vet.

  5. Since he's not young so making him eat more, eat right (not just on gravy) would be important. You can try handfeding, mine eats everytime I hand fed them, somehow they know you are trying to make them eat more, and that it's a show of your love for them, they will feel it and eat the food.

    Good luck. :)

  6. try getting dry food. my cats eventually got tired of wet food too so i just give it to them about twice a month. they get excited when it is wet food day cause now they barely have it lol!!

  7. Mix the wet food with warm water to #1 make it all soupy like gravy and #2 increase the smell which will encourage your cat to eat more.  

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