
My cat is very sick, and we don't know what is wrong. Help?

by  |  earlier

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We're taking him to the vet tomorrow morning.




  1. instead of taking it to the vet take it to the hospital and heres some info on cats

  2. I think you should take him back to the vet, something can be wrong

  3. I think maybe you should find a different vet :( I will be praying for your kitty. I know pets are part of the family..

  4. Sounds like you have all the answers you need from the vet already.  I would suggest making it as comfortable as possible and give it the proper medication the vet gave you.

  5. I think you should seek another opinion or at least go back to the vet and let him know that things are worsening and by no means improving.  The sneezing sounds like an upper respiratory infection but the diarrhea?.....The blood could be coming from his rear end if the diarrhea is bad enough it is not unusual to see some blood but the combination of all those symptoms doesn't sound good.  You need more veterinary help...don't wait any longer.  May I suggest looking into an emergency clinic?

  6. I am sorry you are both going through this.  It is an interesting question though.  I wish I could offer something other than see a vet.  I know that you realize that is a given...  I guess I would recommend going to a specialist.  They will probably scope the intestines and do an ultrasound.  Along with some advanced blood work,  that is what I would have done.

    Good luck.  I hope you find out the cause and he gets better.  Email me and let me know what you find out when you can.

  7. go to the fricken vet!

  8. take him to a different vet and get a second opinion, don't reley on yahoo answers.

  9. First I'd suggest getting them separate litter boxes. Second, you need to keep up with the vet checks, they are your best tool since you truly don't know what's wrong with him. If you must, suggest to the vet to keep him overnight or for a day to watch him.

  10. That vet doesn't sound like she knows what she's doing. Take him to a different vet. A second opinion is always good. Good luck.

  11. take him to the vet again.

    sorry about the last anwser.

    forgive me ?

    i didnt read the whole thing :[

    shame on me.

  12. A URI was my first thought but your vet ruled it out.

    If the antibiotic is clavamox, please stop giving it and ask the vet for a different antibiotic  like baytryll as clavamox has been known to hurt some cat's appetite.

      Offer your cat, turkey, chicken,tuna in water, meat baby food no onions,

      You then mentioned the pancreas but you didn't mention any symptoms before this happened or to indicatee a pancreatic attack so I don't believe this is the problem.  Nor the heart murmur.

    Vets foods are usually garbage but that's for another time.

    Hope your cat gets well soon

  13. go to the vet now... the blood isnt something that would be controlled by antibitics, thisis something more serious!   ALso if he isnt eating you are going to need to get some kid of nutrients to him...force feeding him wont could be hurting moreso than anything else.  

  14. Take him in to a 24 hr emergency Vet.  Your vet sounds like a dip...something is very wrong.  If he is vomiting and diarrhea this is very bad.  He can get very dehydrated and make whatever is wrong worse.  Please take him in NOW!

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