
My cat is vomitting yellow...she does not want to eat anything. help me! It is very urgent!?

by  |  earlier

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Guys! please help my cat, the always vomit and its a yellow liquid. The problem is I want to get her to the vet for check out. but im scare the medicine there not work and making her get even worse...this not my first time oredi. Coz i got the other two pet too going to the vet....but after go to vet...they getting even worse. So guys can u help me! It is very urgent.




  1. CALL.  THE.  VET.  If the medicine the vet recommends makes your cat's condition worse, you call the vet AGAIN and tell him/her that the medication isn't working.

    I changed the formula of my cat's thyroid medication, and in the morning she vomited, but in the evening, when I give her multiple meds, she was fine.  So I asked the vet about giving her all the meds at once.  She was uneasy, but giving kitty all of her thyroid medication at once and not splitting the dose may well work.

    If your cats seem worse after going to the vet, find another vet.  It also depends on how old the cat is.  My kitty is 17, and I don't see great improvement in her condition.

  2. Its probably bile, which means your cat's tummy is empty. There may be lots of reasons why your cat is vomiting. Surely its best to get it checked, in case she has a blockage or a viral infection, which may spread to your other pets.

    Vets train for many years and I think 'they' would know the best course of treatment for your cat.

    Incidentally, what is oredi? I'm afraid that I couldn't understand some parts of your question due to text language.

  3. That vomit is probably bile.  (That's what comes up when there isn't actually any food in the stomach.)  If you say the pets get worse after taking them to that vet, try another vet.  Maybe the pets get stressed around that vet, or that vet doesn't know what she/he is doing.  You definitely want to get her to a vet.  First, she's not eating (no nutrients).  Second, she is probably losing fluids.

  4. dont worry about it

    my cat did the same thig i took her to the vet and they gave me meds. for her and a specail cat food. she's not bulimic any more the vets know what their doing

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