
My cat is wheezing... ??

by  |  earlier

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he's only a kitten and i've had him for about 2 months and yesterday he began to make this coughing and wheezing noise.

i took him to the vet and he didn't find anything wrong but i know something is.

he's walking around fine but just can't stop and won't eat.

what could this be?




  1. hypoanalytic allergenic dislemia

    my friend bonnie's cat had the same problem

  2. If you have a gut feeling something is wrong, if I were you I'd take him to another vet. Wheezing and coughing in cats is most often caused by heart problems, asthma, or upper respiratory infections. With a young kitten, I'd suspect a respiratory infection before the other two.

  3. Sounds like an upper respiratory infection. If you start seeing greenish yellow discharge take him back to the vet, he will need antibiotics. Or it could be allergies, which some cats get. If he hasn't been vaccinated, you need to do that once he is feeling well again to prevent different diseases.

    I have never heard of hypoanalytic allergenic dislemia

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