
My cat isnt using the litter box, but instead sleeping in it and eating her f***s? whats wrong?

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She won't use the bathroom in her litterbox, unless you sit her in it when she's getting ready to go. However, even if you do that, she'll go, then eat her f***s. Then she'll sleep in it.

What is this? Can cats get alzheimers?




  1. When animals eat their f***s it means that they are not digesting properly. Your cat might have a digestive problem that needs to be fixed or medicated... the best thing to do is to take your cat and a sample of the f***s to your vet for testing.

    The sleeping in the litter box I can't necessarily explain. It may be because she is feeling discomfort and that's the smallest place she can go, as cats like small places. Try to find her a small box, maybe even cardboard, and put her in it and sit with her... (of course put some bedding in it) she might find that even more comfortable and not find the need to go in her littler box to lay down. I hope this helps!

  2. So, why do cats sleep in their litter boxes? I believe the main reason a cat will sleep in it's litter box has to do with security. I think an insecure cat or one feeling very threatened in some way, will sleep in the litter box.

    Cats - particularly indoor, domestic cats, equate their litter boxes with security more than a child does their blanket or thumb! A cat having control over it's litter box means the cat is safe.

    Food may or may not be forthcoming, but a litter box means it can urinate or defacate without worrying. Cats normally bury their waste, so they are not sleeping directly on the soil. In some situations, control over a litter box means control over other cats; place holding in the pecking order.

    A cat that is threatened by a dog, or harassed so that it cannot get to the litterbox, will also sleep in the box. I often tell folks to get a cat tree when they get a dog. However, I also warn them to watch the dog to be sure the cat has access to the litterbox. Your cat needs clear access - no impediments - nothing in the way and no interference. If this means that your dog is restricted to certain parts of the house, then so be it.

    To the Top of Why Do Cats Sleep In Their Litter Boxes?

    A child chasing a cat or manipulating access to the box, can cause this behavior. If your grandchild comes to visit and has no cat of their own, this can cause trauma to your cat. A cat not used to children will especially act this way. As the child wants to play with the cat, the cat may be uncomfortable, scratch and so on. However, if your grandchild just chases the cat, the cat may not feel safe stopping to use the litterbox. In this case, it's possible your cat will just begin sleeping the in the litter box.

    If you have your litterbox in the basement and then close the door so that your cat has no access, it is possible your cat will take up residence in the litterbox. That way, you cannot restrict access to the box by closing the door between the cat and the litterbox. If you have a door in this position that might get closed, it may be in your best interest to install a cat door between the rest of the house and the basement or room with the litterbox. While it may not be the most attractive solution, doors are less costly to replace than carpet.

    On the eating of f***s...

    It appears to be fairly rare to find a cat doing this. It is much more common in dogs. Here's an article to describe the medical term known as autocoprophagia. The article relates to dogs, but may be helpful for your cat as well. Don't get discouraged!

    This is one of those great doggy dilemmas that everyone has a suggestion for and everyone knows a dog that the suggestion did not work for. It seems to be more common in puppies than adults--and some really do outgrow it, though not all (unfortunately)--and more common in small dogs than large.

    Besides being seriously gross, it's not healthy, as your dog may pick up worms or other parasites, as well as contagious diseases, by eating the stool of an infected animal.

    The technical term for this is coprophagia. Autocoprophagia is a dog (or any animal) eating its own f***s. Intraspecific coprophagia involves a dog eating other dogs' p**p. Interspecific coprophagia occurs when a dog eats f***s from cats or another species. Now you have some great conversation starters for cocktail parties!

    There is no scientific evidence that it is caused by the dog missing some nutrient in its diet, though that explanation has been around for a very long time. Apparently some dogs with medical problems which result in their inability to absorb certain nutrients may have this problem, but there are other symptoms also. It is true that very hungry dogs will eat p**p, but just because your dog eats it does not mean he is hungry.

    Some things work for some dogs and some things work for other dogs. Some things don't work at all. But nothing works in every situation. Here are some suggestions that are reputed to work. To be on the safe side, check with your vet before trying any of them. These should all be tried one at a time so you will know which one worked!

    The following go on the food of the p**p provider, not on the food of the p**p eater.

    1) There are commercial products available through catalogs and vets called Forbid and Deter.

    2) One of the most popular remedies you'll hear is meat tenderizer (like Adolphs) but it cannot be the MSG-free type.

    3) Canned pumpkin

    4) Crushed pineapple

    5) Rabbit chow added to food -- about a quarter cup to a cup of dog food.

    6) pumpkin seeds

    7) breath mints

    8) papaya

    9) anise seeds

    10) Viokase for a week (Viokase is a pancreatic enzyme concentrate prescribed for pancreatitis. You will definitely need to consult your veterinarian about this one)

    11) Potato flakes-1 teaspoon per meal

    Other suggestions are to put tobasco sauce or ground red cayenne pepper directly on the stools (not in the food!), or spraying the stoo

  3. My mom and sister said your cat is retarded and you need 2 get rid of it.

    I think you should take it to the vet.

  4. maybe its soft and snuggly have you curled up in it? It may also taste good,have you tasted it?

  5. Take her to a vet immediately. You love her right? Well she might be in pain and you should take her as soon as possible.

  6. Yes cats can get some sort of dementia, call your vet for PROFESSIONAL advise.  There might be something wrong.

  7. Is your cat an older cat? If so, then she could be getting senile. If not,  then she could be having pica, which is a vitamin deficiency. You should try just picking her stools out of her box to prevent her from eating them. when she sleeps in the box tell her NO! in a loud voice to let her know you don;t want that. try getting her a warm place to lay and maybe get some cat nip to put in her new bed to persuade her to want to lay there.

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