
My cat just came inside sopping wet? Not raining?

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My cat just came inside the house absolutely covered in water, every inch of him is sopping wet, It had been raining but not even to wet him that much.

We are trying to dry him but he is hissing at us, and he is normally such a friendly boy.

What can I do, What could of happened? We don't live near a lake or anything. I am just so confused right now.




  1. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for other people to throw water at cats (bucketfuls at times) that are unwanted in their garden. People sometimes dislike cats as they mess in people's gardens. It may be that some disgruntled gardener cruelly lost their temper and threw water at your cat.

  2. your next door neighbours, the riddles, they through a bucket of water at him because your cat keeps aggravating at their dog, kippy.

    Honestly, how would we know, we weren't there when it happened, but think about it, there is more than one way to get wet other than rain...

    sprinkler, pool, puddle.

    Maybe he felt REALLY dirty and decided to go a little overboard with cleaning himself.

    maybe water from that bit of rain got collected on a leaf of a tree and then your cat tried to climb the tree and the leaf tipped on him.

    Maybe that little bit of rain actually did get him that wet..?

    There are lots of possibilities.. think about it, you will figure it out..

    Good luck, but if you don't figure it out, don't be sad, its not the end of the world.. your cat is wet... dont have a cry..

    As for the hissing and not letting you touch him.. ignore him, he will dry and eventually he will come around again.

    Good Luck

  3. he couldve gotten to a pond, lake, pool ,river.


  5. somebody, obviously a cat-hater, squirted him down with a hose...and he is hissing because he probably is in pain from the force of the water hitting him...please keep him inside there is someone outside that doesnt like your cat and who knows what could be next

  6. He ran through a sprinkler, he fell in some ones pool, he fell in a puddle

  7. maybe he went down the gutter

  8. Maybe he fell into someones pool? or he could been in someones yard pooping in the flower bed and they blasted him? this is a method i use... that way they wont get hurt... they just hate the water, they dry but they hate it! but i would rather blast them with water then do some of the other mean things people do to other peoples cats! Take this as an chance to make him a house cat and stop letting him outside. Sounds more like a hose blast then a pool to me!

  9. As long as it's water I wouldn't worry about it but I would suggest keeping the cat inside.

  10. Maybe someone threw a pan of water on him...keep your cat indoors.  Not everyone likes cats and will be mean to them

  11. How do you suppose we could know what might HAVE happened? Our guess is hardly as good as yours, as we are not there. Go out and investigate where the water may HAVE come from.

  12. ..........and I agree with all of the above. The point is we cannot be sure of what happened to your cat. It could have been anything. Leave him alone. When he relaxes he'll become sweet again. The hissing is just for you to back off.  Perhaps someone wanted to drown him and he managed to escape, and that is why he is so angry right now. Make sure he has food and water, and make a towel available for him just in case he realizes a towel could be handy.

  13. Well he could have jumped in a neighbour's pool or something. Or some jerk in the area could have given him a bath with the garden hose or something. The best thing to do is to leave him alone if he is hissing at you. He will eventually l**k himself dry and will hopefully be back to normal in no time.

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