
My cat just gave birth to kittens and i need to move them from under the bed is that ok

by  |  earlier

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My cat just gave birth to kittens and i need to move them from under the bed is that ok




  1. it's ok but either way stick food and a liter-box across from your bed and don't rush them

  2. i think its alright   she knows you so i don't think she will mind

  3. why are they under the bed first of all?????????????????????????????????????...

  4. I doubt it. The mother might eat all her babies because you've left your own human smell on them. Don't touch them unless the vet says you can!!

  5. You can move them.  Just don't hold them too much.  She may not like it but it won't hurt them.  Though it is possible that she may move them back or move them somewhere else if she doesn't like it under the bed.

  6. no,no,no,no!!!!!!!!!! if you touch the kittens the mother will not feed it because you touched it the mother has the marking of her kittens  and if you touched a kitten it would have YOUR marking and not the mother! So LET IT BE  

  7. u lie!

  8. yeah just make the new location obviously more comfortable and convienent than under the bed.

  9. you need ot leave them alone for a while, if you move them there is chance the mother will kill them, or eat them

    weird i know but ive seen it happen

  10. Why don't you ask a vet?

  11. well just put them in a little round dog bed WITH their mother and slide it out from under the bed...

  12. Don't move them. That is where they want to be. My cat had kittens, and she kept bringing them into my closet. The mother will pick a spot where she thinks it is safe. If that is under the bed, she will keep bringing them back there.  

  13. if your cat is not comfortable with it she will let you know.. but it's possible she will move them back even if you move them, just heads up.

  14. You don't say why you need to move them??  If it isn't an emergancy, i.e they're in danger of getting hurt or squashed, i'd leave them alone for a while.

    If mum trusts you and is happy for you to be near the kittens she probably won't mind you picking them up, just don't use your hands use a clean towel and rub it over mum first to put her scent on it.  But if she isn't happy with where you take them she will probably move them all back.

  15. You should just leave the kittens alone, they are too young for you to handle them. If you do handle them, then they might get stressed and angry.

  16. make a bed some where else and if your cat trust you take her kittens over to that bed. goodluck

  17. you can but she'll just move them back or somewhere else

  18. when my cat gave birth she had them under my moms bed, but she moved them like everyday. make sure ur cat can see u if are moving the kittens and make no sudden moves.

    to fatefinger: the mother cat already nos the dudes scent she wont reject the kittens if u touch them

  19. When they are about 1 week it is ok to move them i am an expert trust me i have 2 cats of my own one of wich has had 6 litters lol i think its time to stop now lol i had to get her nuted hehe any way yes as long as they are at least a week old be gentle! the mother may try moving them agien and agien but keep moving them back it will teach her but if there are younger children in the house you need to put them somewhere private so the mother doesnt feel threatened !! i hope i helped any other questions e-mail me!! One more thing you need to let the mother know where they are !

  20. no you have to wait like 1 week then you can remove them b'cuz if u move them now it's not going to be good and if you move them by touching them do not do it b'cuz if the mother smells your hand on the kittens she would not like them and not give them food so u have to wiat at least a week or until they open their eyes. i have asked that to a vetenerian too so i know.

  21. i would jst leave them alone they will get annoyed same thing with the mom

  22. yup lol watch out for the mom though ;D

  23. Sometimes is ok but your sent could get on the kittens and the mother could eat them.Not always the mother eat there kittens .

  24. I don't believe it is a good idea to touch them. The mother might reject them if your scent is on the kittens or will just bring them back under the bed.

  25. Yes. You may have to move your bed and do some cleanup too, or you will have some nasty smells in a week or so.

  26. She felt safe under the bed is all.

    Do you have a place the momma cat can keep her litter that is secure, like some folded towels in a large cardboard box, or a large cat bed, or a closet? Cats are particular, and if she doesn't like what you give her, she'll just move the kittens again.

    You might want to leave her for a while, unless the litter is in danger from drafts or something else under the bed.

  27. You need to leave them alone, this will p**s the mother off.


  28. no, leave them alone.  you don't need to bother them at all.

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