
My cat just threw up again for the second time, Whats Wrong?

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My cat threw up today. The "Throw Up" was white and foamy. I believe its her diet all she's eating is Water and Regular Cat food. Is there more she should be eating? Should i feed hers omething different? whats wrong? help.




  1. We had the same problem with our 18 month old cat, Jasper.  The vet advised different dried food; we got Iams 'Digestive Care' dried food and mix it half half with the normal Whiskas.  You could try it by itself for a while and then introduce 'supermarket' dried food into it after a while.  If you're feeding wet food, we give him half his dinner so he doesn't scoff it down and make himself sick, then the other half later in the evening.

    It's worked for us; he's still sick occasionally, but hardly ever since we started the new diet.

  2. my cat throws up sometimes

    sometimes it's really nothing to be worried about

    but you should take your cat

    to the vet just in case

    remember, the longer you wait

    the larger the medical bill

  3. well if ur cat goes outsid and eats grass that could be the reason but if the cat isnt eating grass then take to the vet or the cat could just eating anything around the house that heorshe isnt supposed to eat

  4. bulimia?

  5. There's a couple possible reasons this is happening. Your cat may have picked something off the ground and eaten it. This is very common. They don't necessarily need other foods, but occasional greens and even fruits are good for them.

  6. dude, me cat did the exact same thing today!!

    It should be fine...

    Did you see a little fur ball in the vomit (if you actually looked at it)

    Mabye that it...

    But if you're totally stressing out and worried take her to the vet!!

    good luck!!

  7. Have you changed her diet? as in went from one cat food yesterday to a different one today.  That will cause a upset in dear kitty.  or did she eat something she is not supposed to? like string or pieces of cat toys, it might be that she has a hairball and her body is trying to get rid of it  but if she does it again take her to the vet. this is not healthy! constant vomiting will dehydrate her and make kitty worse off.  you and kitty are in my thoughts

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