
My cat keeps peeing on our beds/comforters

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We have a very sweet 1.5yr old cat - he'll p**p in the litter box but prefers to pee on plastic bags or bed comforters... How do we get him to stop!




  1. Get him neutered.

  2. Many cats will not use the same litter tray for both pee and poo - particularly long haired cats.  If they use the litter tray to pee in, the litter gets wet.  They then go to use the tray again and the litter sticks to their fur - hence you have a problem.  Try putting down 2 litter trays for your cat.  The other problem could be that he doesn't like your choice of litter - it should be as close to sand as possible (soft on paws) and unscented as when scented litter gets wet it gives off a smell which some cats find objectionable.  Make sure the tray is large enough for him to turn around in - cats stand up more to poo but need a bit more space for peeing.

    Also make sure you clean the areas he has used inappropriately absolutely thoroughly before allowing your cat back in the same area.  Use biological washing liquid and don't use any sprays to cover the smell as these sometimes just attract the cat back to the same area.

    You could try sprinkling some dry food in the area he has used to pee as cats don't usually eat and toilet in the same area.

  3. Listen to Spike and Co on this one about the vet visit, plus wash your comforter in the washing machine.  You need to get out the smell of may not smell it, but the cat has "marked" it, and will continue to go to that particular spot. I would also get some NO! spray at the pet store and spray it in the areas you do not want him in or using it for the toilet.  Is the litterbox cleaned daily?  If not, start to do this.  Also, is the box near it's food dish?  If it is, move it - would you like to eat in a bathroom with p**p in it?  And finally - make sure you have enough litter in the box - a cat needs at least 3-4 inches to be able to bury or for the urine to leak down deep enough not to offend the cat's sense of smell.  Also, yes, get your pal neutered - he will live a longer, healthier life.

  4. I have a friend that this happened to. It was hard to get him to stop. Try putting a different sent in those areas and keep him out of the bed rooms.

  5. is he neutered?  if not, do this ASAP.  it can become habit in which you will have even more problems later.

    have you taken him to the vets to rule out medical possibilites?  if not, do this ASAP as urinating outside the box is one of the first signs of illness.  

    has something happened/changed that has altered his environment?  if so, he needs much attention and if possible, eliminate what is bothering him (ie, moving box/food to different locations, harsh cleaners, etc.)  praise him tons for using the box and keep up any plastic-y time material.  you may have to put him in one room with the box for a time while you aren't there and slowly reintroduce him back to the other rooms when he regains your trust.

    is it only on the bed?  you should remove ALL traces of urine, they will remark almost assuredly if it is still present.  don't assume, get a black light light bulb and check your house.  it will need to be removed completely.

  6. Litter box problems are sometimes a sign of illness.  So a check up with the vet is the first placed to start.  

    Litter box problems are very frustrating for all.....human and feline.  Here's a link that you might find helpful:

    Here's a link to Cat Attract Kitty Litter.  Many have had success with this product:

    Good Luck!

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