
My cat keeps peeing on the carpet under my desk. What do I do?

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Ive used carpet cleaner for pets but she continues to pee under my desk. Ive heard that vinegar takes the smell away but will it discolor my carpet?




  1. if she pees on the carpet then look into pee pee pads for dogs and put them under your desk for your cat.

  2. I have an 18 year old that pees and it is annoying but I love him and it has been a constant battle.  The best product I found is Nature's Miracle.  Put it in a spray bottle and spray the area a lot.  Then let is dry.  It this doesn't work repeat the spray and they scrub with a scrub brush.  This will get the smell out for sure.  As far as getting her to stop, that is not easy.  Are you cleaning the litter well enough.  Kitties are very particular.  Maybe try a new litter brand.  Cats change their mind very quickly and stick to it.  It could be behavioral too.  Are you spending a lot of time at your desk?  Hold her on your lap and pet her often while on the computer.  Pay attention to her while you are at your desk.  She may feel that you are paying more attention to things at your desk than her.  It is true, cats are very jealous when you do other things.  It could also be a bladder or infection of some kind.  Take her to the vet to check it out.  I also tried the plug in things from the pet store called Felaway.  I could be spelling it wrong.  This works temporarily but are expensive.  DO NOT get a puppy pad.  I looked into this and this actually attracts an animal to use the bathroom there you are trying to eliminate it.  Also try a plastic bag there.  Some cats hate the sound of plastic and won't walk on it. But then she may find a new is not easy I know.  There are also spiky plastic things to buy to put on the carpet that cats don't want to walk on.  I have also found a lot of good advice on here.  Search yahoo answers for cat peeing problems.  Good Luck! and the Nature's Miracle is the best pay the price because it is expensive but worth it.  I even had a carpet cleaner here who recommended the product.  

  3. Mix Vinegar and water together in a spray bottle and spay it under there,it will take the smell away but the cat will not like the smell of it either and the cat will stop peeing there.i spray it in my flower beds so the cats will stay out of there.

    If for some reason this does not work you can always GOOGLE and I am forsure you will find a good answer there,

    Good Luck  

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