
My cat keeps throwing up Pleaz help ?

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THIS IS FOR CAT VET,OR ANY1 THAT KNOWS CATS REALLY WELL I WANT VETS TO GET THIS ? she s 9 mabey 10 and she throws up almost after evey meal

what is wrong with her?




  1. While I am not a vet, I have over 40 years of experience with cats.

    A lot depends on how long this has been going on, and veterinary attention is necessary. Even veterinarians answering this question cannot give you a definitive answer without examining the cat, and doing the necessary tests.

    Sometimes cats eat too fast and vomit right after they eat. There is a difference between cats that vomit RIGHT after eating, and those that vomit after some time has passed.

    You should have your cat evaluated by a vet. BUT you can try an experiment which may help with diagnosis ,by feeding your cat smaller portions of food more frequently during the day and see if this helps.  I feed my cats 4x a day as I am retired, and this has helped a lot. I divide the can into 4 portions.

    Your cat may be allergic to the food you are feeding, or it is not agreeing with her. There are just too many possible reasons to quess about.

    Good luck with your cat. I know you want to do the best thing for her.


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Oriental Shorthairs and Siamese

    Free-lance blogger for  

  2. Take her to the Vet

    do an x-ray

    do a toxicology blood test

  3. She could have gotten into something that's making her sick, or it could be an underlying disease.  No one can diagnose the problem without seeing the animal, go to a vet

  4. More information would be helpful. Has she lost a lot of weight lately? Is she drinking more and urinating more? Can she keep any food down? She may have an obstruction. Does she chew on things she's not supposed to? Like plastic or other little things in the house? Is she passing stool? Another thing to consider might be hyperthyroid or diabetes. You need to bring her to the vet for bloodwork.

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