
My cat keeps vomiting!

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My cat has been vomiting all over my house for the past few months. I have taken her to the vet and he gave me 4 kinds of meds to give to my cat. I gave them to her for two weeks as he directed and she showed signs of improvement, but a few days later she was at it again. She is an indoor cat but eats EVERY single type of bug that crawls or flys on our floor. Even though she is an indoor cat, sometimes when I open the door to get the mail or something, she accidentally gets out and hides in the bushes and starts to eat them! I get her in as fast as I can, but could this be causing it (like a poisonous plant or something)? We have to put her out in the garage at night because that is the time when she vomits the most. I really don't want to either. I've tried everything to help her! She eats dry food. Because of her vomiting, it seems that she is less loving and shows a dramatic loss of interest in anything at all. All she does is sleep, lay down, and l**k herself. She used to do so much more. She is only about a year old and I really love her and want to help her get over this. Has anyone ever gone through this or have any ideas how to help? Thanks.




  1. She might be allergic to something she's eaten. My cat was vomiting lots too for a while, then we discovered she was allergic to fish (which also happened to be her favourite food). Check if she has little lumps near her tail, and watch what she eats.

  2. From what you've said, I think it could be a few things:

    1. She could be constipated or dehydrated or has diarrhea. These are very common things that cause vomiting in cats - so make sure she is drinking a lot.

    2. Do you use insecticide or any sort of spray on plants in your garden? Or is there someone in the neighborhood who does? Because if that is the case, the bugs could be carrying some sort of insecticide which is poisoning your cat. (What kind of plant is she eating? It could be a poisonous plant, as you said, but if it is not - it is common for cats to eat plants and grass for digestion)

    3. Some people overlook the fact that the cat could just be ill. She could have the equivalent of the common cold. Some owners, and even vets (I have found in the past), don't ever think of the fact that the cat could have sort of infection (check her body for scratches or cuts and if she has any, check to see if they are infected).

    I really do suggest that if the problem persists, take her to a vet. I understand that it can be pricey or a chore, but it is best to catch the problem early.

    Some fresh air and being outside would actually be good for her, so you could consider letting her wander around the front garden a bit (it may sound ridiculous but a leash could be used to keep her under control).

    OR if all of these things are impossible or you don't want to do them - simple love and affection can help a cat to pass an illness. Sit with her on your bed or on your lap and stroke her and (sounds stupid but...) talk to her. Give her comfort, and it will help her discomfort.

    Sorry for the length but I just wanted to help!

  3. Try giving her hair ball medicine. I get mine at Wal-Mart.
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