
My cat likes to pee beside her food bowl which is right across her litter box?

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This is all in the bathroom and we lock her in there during the day so she wont get into anything. We took her to the vet and she doesnt have a infection, how can I stop her from doing this. We put her nose in it and then stick her in the litter box to show her that is where you pee. She still does it!




  1. I can understand locking a dog in a confined area but why a cat?  All they do is sleep and they don't really get into things like dogs do.  Maybe there are more details that I am not aware of.  Rubbing her nose in it is going to make the cat fear you I think that's cruel

    (Sorry just being honest)  Again why are you treating the cat as a dog they are VERY different animals in their habits and mindset and the way they process things.  I think for a couple of days you should let the cat roam free and I bet that you would see a major difference.  If you put the food in the kitchen and left the litter where it is I am sure that she will get it.  Even if you move the litter somewhere else cats aren't stupid she will find it.  I am sure your cat would also appreciate being able to look out the window or bask in the sunlight coming in.  I understand that cats have claws and they do some damage sometimes but there are ways of correcting that.  I just can't imagine what my cat would be like if I locked him and her up.

    EDIT:  Cats can also be moody little things I bet she is peeing everywhere because she is mad.  My cat once pooped in my stepfathers boot and that took some effort.  She very well could be doing it on purpose.  Also if the litter box is not up to their "standards" sometimes they will pee or p**p right next to it. Try putting aluminum foil on the counter tops that may work to help her stop jumping.  Its just a cats natural instinct to jump on tops of things.

  2. Try changing the type of litter you use. She may not like what you're using.

  3. I have 8 cats so I have hit lots of cat problems.  One of the things that cats don't like is to have the food and the litter in the same place.  Some cats are just picky. Can you try and place the food somewhere else?  Sometimes, they don't want it in the same room.  When you keep them so close, they sometimes get confused.

    Some cats are just mad that they are locked in the bathroom.  They will do strange things when they are upset.

    Give it a shot and remove the food from the bathroom and place it in the kitchen.

    If you some reason you cannot remove the food, place the food on the sink or in the tub.

    Good luck!

  4. She may HATE her cat sand.

    Cats are funny about the texture...

    Try some different kinds of sand.

    possibly 2 boxes with differnt types and see what she likes best.

    Then move her food into another room or across  (not a small room)

    then hope for the best.  

  5. Putting her nose in it is not the way to do it; she won't know why you are doing this to her. Maybe she does not like the litter you are using try some Kitten Attract litter. You can buy it at places like Petsmart. You also might consider giving her a bigger place to be all day is a long time to be all alone in a small room.

    I read your addendum and I am going to add that you probably can't keep her off the counters but adding another litter box and using the Cat Attract litter might help with her problem when she is out in the rest of the house. Litter box problems are the #1 Reason that people surrender their cats to the shelters. It's difficult sometimes but you can do. Check out some other litter box answers at this site there are lots of good tips. Good luck to you and kitty.

  6. The food and water dishes may still be too close for her liking in proximity to her litter box.  Cats do not like their food & water to be too close to where they go to the bathroom. I would try relocating the food and water dishes when you're home & see if she still exhibits this behavior.  If she doesn't then you know it's the location & you'll have to reconsider shutting her in the room with the litter pan and the food & water dishes.

  7. Well, first, the food/water should be on the opposite side of the room than the litter box. That would probably solve that. She sniffs her food, and she smells her litter box. How confusing do you think that would be for her?  

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