
My cat loves the smell of tooth paste or mouthwash does anyone else have a cat like this?

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My cat could care less about catnip, for him it is mouthwash or toothpaste. IF you rub some on his toys he goes nuts for the longest time and he will love on it forever. He will literally try to climb in your mouth if you blow in his face with fresh breath! Does anyone else have a cat like this? It is kinda weird!




  1. my cat loves that smell too. i do it alot whenever i brush my teeth before going to bed. i open my mouth up and call her name and she just dives in my mouth she even tried to l**k inside there. maybe they like the smell of mint...?

  2. no

  3. I do! Also I used to work retail and a lady once told me that Icy Hot made her cat act crazy! My cat is big on smells she sniffs everything! Especially when I visit friends with cats. It's kinda funny because she does that thing where they open their mouth just a bit and look around like they're discusted!  lol.

  4. i have a cat who goes wild after i have got out the bath,she will sit on the toilet waiting till i have finished bathing or showering,then i have to rub her down with my towel,and tell her what a beautiful girl she is,she wont move from there until i have done this and i have to place a small bit of talc powder on her too.and if I'm going out i have to put a touch of water on her ear when i have put perfume on,i wont use my perfume,not that i;m spiteful just that i dont want to harm my cats skin,so i dab water on her instead..although she is 15 and spayed i swear she has a boyfriend somewhere..or it could be my other cat nick who she adores..

  5. Actually, it's not weird.  It's the mint in the toothpaste.  Cats like catnip and catnip is a plant in the mint family.  I had a cat that would follow me around if I had Bengay on a pulled muscle.  I even caught him trying to get under the covers to my legs one night!

    Don't let him eat any of the toothpaste or mouthwash, though.  There's ingredients in there that could make him very ill or even kill him.  Stick to catnip.

  6. Quote:


    Human toothpaste is NOT good for cats. They are however attracted to it. Usually it’s the minty or wintergreen odors that attract the cats. The danger is Sodium Fluoride. When ingested the fluoride combines with the stomach acids making a highly corrosive form of hydrochloric acid, that can literally eat through the stomach lining. Repeated overdoses can cause calcification of ligaments and thus causing brittle bones.

    Treatment: Wash out mouth to remove any remaining toothpaste, DO NOT vomit. Do offer milk or water and seek veterinarian assistance."

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