
My cat needs help? Pullin out fur?!?

by  |  earlier

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my cat pulls his fur out, we think it's because a couple of years ago he somehow got covered in oil and so we cut his fur so that he didnt l**k the oil and become unwell. Possibly as the fur's grown back it's irritating him. I just wondered if anyone knows how i can cure him, he's starting to make his skin bleed




  1. my cat did that too, she licked all of the hair on her legs off, you should go to petco and get the rosemary spray, and spray it on, this spray is really bitter, and makes cats/dogs stop l*****g their hair off

  2. Shave him

  3. its ok

  4. take him to the vet and have them look at his skin and if you can't get him in to day give him bath good luck

  5. its probably an allergy take him to the vet.

  6. The best thing to do (and you should do) is to take him to the vet.  

  7. Animals often do this when they're unhappy. Wether or not he is, you'll know way better than me, and your oil theory is definately possible, but if he's ripping himself bloody you HAVE to take him to a vet!

  8. he got fleas

  9. I no he'l hate it but bath him and if he's still itching maybe shave the area (well maybe get a vet to do it!) hope this helps  

  10. that is sooooooooooooooooo sad i think you should give hima a bath with no soaps or any thing just water see if that helps good luck

  11. Call the vet.

  12. lots of things can cause a cat to pull out it's hair, fleas, allergies, fungus, nerve damage, boredom, etc. Take him to the vet to rule out anything that may be easily fixed.

  13. just tell him no. when you see him doing that say no. and hopfully he will stop. im am sorry about your poor little kiiten. i love cats and i know how it feels to be worried. good luck

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