
My cat poops on the carpet?

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My cat Luke has been such an amzing cat. He is very affectionate and has the personality like a human. He poops on the carpet about twice a week. Is there a reason why is he doing this? How can I teach him it is wrong to p**p on the carpet, and to only use the litter box? He has been doing this for about 6 months, he is 4 years old and there was never a problem before this.




  1. some cats are uncomfortable with litter boxes,..

    try to practice him to p**p outside

    take him out after he eats let him explore around and do his business

    if he comes back inside the house and p**p on the carpet again,

    just do it everyday right after he eats

    good luck ^-^

  2. It might be the litter box instead that's causing the problem; your cat may be trying to tell you that it doesn't like it's litter box since it might be uncomfortable to him. It might be a disease also, though I'm not sure.

  3. It sound like he has developed a dislike for his cat box for some reason. First thing off to the vet for a check up and make sure it's not medical. If he is physically fine then: cat boxes do get old and the plastic won't come clean anymore so try a new box and add an extra one. Also try using some Cat Attract litter. Hope this helps you out.

  4. It is prolly just the litter, have you ever used a different brand? Maybe you are waiting too long to change the litter and he doesn't want to use it soiled. I'm no vet (altho i wanna be one) but change the litter whenever its dirty, dont switch brands or mix brands and if it continues even after all that take him to a vet and ask for some suggestions. maybe it is a strange disease but if he isnt acting differently then it prolly isnt. even so vet is the way to go!

  5. Pick the p**p up (with a paper towel) and the cat and bring them both to the litter box. Deposit the poo in the box and just set the cat down in the box next to it.

    Please don't fall for those "rub his nose" in it characters. That is totally stupid and counter productive.

  6. if i forget to scoop box or dont change it soon enough my cat will p**p right beside his box because the litter is damp and he doesnt like it most likely luke is saying his box is not to his standard. cats are funny that way they will l**k their own hindparts but wont touch damp cat litter go figure!

  7. cats are finicky.  first take luke to the vet to make sure it is not medically related.  if a cat has a bladder infection they will not use the box.  did u change his litter recently?  perfumes can make a cat not want to use the box any more.  companies can change their products from time to time, so just check the ingredients.  i use a corn litter and put a lot of it and it absorbs really quick.  also if your box is hooded, then you have to clean a lot more, cause the smell is concentrated and cats have a keen sense of smell.  also, if you have a large home with two floors have a box on each floor, cats wait until the last second to use the potty, so maybe he is just not making it in time.  good luck and give luke some smoochies for me!  also, make sure to clean the area where he has pooed with white vinegar and water to remove the smell so he won't be tempted to use the same spot twice!  

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