
My cat ran away how do you get it to come home?

by Guest61140  |  earlier

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My cat escaped through an open door tonight. Is there anything I can do to find her. where do cats hide. please please anyone who knows about lost pets help




  1. ASAP: *pretty clear but still it worked for me* take cat dry food and shake it all about outside. the sound may draw him near so make sure you could get a couple people around the area.

    *yeah, i think you should put up signs too. but try the food first!

  2. My cat ran away before and the first week we looked for her then the second week we put up lost cat signs with our name, phone, and address and hopefully your cat has a name tag with info

    i am not lying it took 5 weeks to find her but we didnt lose hope then one day a lady called saying that she found our cat or at least she thought she found it and she caught her and took her to the local pound, so we went to the pound and believe it or not there she was!! u will find her/him. oh and cats usually hide at neighbors houses cause from then on we keep finding her at neighbors houses, sometimes cats want a break from the same setting (example: your house) but they will come back

  3. She knows where she lives. She should come back... try leaving some cat food outside (though you may accidentally attract some strays).

    If you don't see her by tomorrow, I'd say put up signs with her picture.

  4. Man i share the pain with you... Ive had my cat for about 2 years, he was a stray, or atleast i think he was cause he was reallyyyy skinny with no collar... Anyways my cat ran off on monday of the 18th, and he still isnt back yet... I know its hard but i still have hope. Ive posted up posters around my neighrbourhood, and gave some fliers to my neighbours on my street. Hopefully he will turn up soon. Maby you should do what i did and we can do this together =P 1) Print alot of posters, put em on mailboxes, etc. 2) Call your town vets, and pounds 3) ask your neighbours 4) try and get like treats, my cat loves temptations so i just walk around like at 12-2 am shaking the bag around the streets and hopefully he might come back. well i hope you find your cat and i hope i find mine too =) Good Luck !


    this link is HOW TO FIND A LOST PET

    it will cover all the steps you need to get your cat back.

  6. Call every animal shelter in the area, just in case somebody else found her and took her there.  At the animal shelter where I got my cat, I was told that once an animal is turned into the shelter, the owner is given four days to claim the animal, and after that time, the animal is either euthanized or adopted out.  So you need to keep calling the animal shelter every day or two.

    As for where cats hide, you might be surprised to find out that usually, they don't go very far at all.  If your cat is an indoor cat, she's not used to being outside and she won't even want to roam around very far in unfamiliar territory.  So she's probably a lot closer to you than you think.  Check with your neighbors and look behind and under any bushes.  The answers above mine are all good suggestions, too.

    Best of luck in finding your kitty!

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