
My cat ran away = [?

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Is there anything I might be able to do to help her find her way home. I live in the city so if someone sees her walking around they probably would just figure shes another stray and not do anything, or they might try to bring her home.

I love my cat so much, she is my baby, i have raised her from a small kitten and she is just the best! I really want her to come home.

If it makes any difference i know she was in heat and she was probably trying to find a "companion" but she has never been outside before.

SOOOO my question is

A) how can i get her back home?

B) do you think she will ever come back?




  1. put out flyers for a missing cat and give a picture

    she'll pry come back whens shes hungary or misses you so jus keep a lookout for her.

  2. She should come home as soon as the HEAT is through.

    I would take her immediately to be spayed.

    You can put up fliers WITH HER PICTURE ...

    I would go out in the evening and just call and call her.

    Talk to EVERYONE you see and print up pictures of her with your name and phone number on the back... Put them on EVERY DOOR in a 2 block radius.  

    If you offer a reward someone may be inspired to pick her up and bring her inside... but make sure that she is alive before you pay a reward.

    good luck>^..^<

  3. A- I don't think you can

    B- and statistically shes most likely in mortal peril because cats always come home when they're hungry. Cats don't really have nine lives, you know!

  4. If she's never been outside before, she's probably scared.  In general, indoor cats that get out won't travel far, but the fact that she was in heat complicates matters.  Her hormones could have been stronger than her fear.

    I've known three people who had luck doing the following:  Leave the door she got out of wide open at night (sleep in that room on the couch or in a sleeping bag on the floor).  All three people reported that their cats strolled in in the middle of the night.

    Good luck.  I hope she comes home.

  5. The first thing to do is call all animal shelters in your area, just in case somebody picked her up and took her to a shelter, thinking that she was a stray.  When I got my kitty at an animal shelter, they told me that when cats are brought in, the owner has four days to claim them.  If they're not claimed within four days, they're euthanized or given up for adoption.  So it's really important that you keep in contact with animal shelters every day or two.

    You said that she's an indoor cat.  Most indoor cats feel pretty uneasy when they're outside in unfamiliar surroundings, so even when they get out, they don't go very far.  She might be closer than you think.  So you should check with all your neighbors to see if one of them has found her.  Also, walk around the neighborhood, carrying some yummy food and calling her name.  Don't forget to look behind and underneath every bush or potential hiding place where she might have gone.  If she hasn't been declawed, she could have climbed a tree, so when you're looking, don't forget to look UP, too.  Sometimes cats climb trees but then get scared to climb down, so they end up stuck up in the tree until somebody rescues them.

    If you find her or if she decides to return home on her own, you should really think about getting her spayed, which will greatly reduce her urge to wander.  Also have her microchipped, if you haven't already.  That way, if she DOES manage to get out again and if somebody finds her and takes her to an animal shelter or a vet's office, they can scan her and find your name and address to contact you.

    I really wish you the best of luck in finding your kitty (baby).
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