
My cat really baffels me.....

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I have a female cat who is about 9 years old. She has been fixed since she was 12 weeks old. Recently, she has started finding socks, particularly fuzzy/thick ones and carrying them around while making this really strange noise....Not a "meow" but something different, like she is trying to communicate with said sock. Is it possible that this is a "I shoulda been a momma cat" thing she is going through? If so, are the socks enough to keep her content? Why is this happening now? Any suggestions would be appreciated....Thanks.




  1. You have appealing sox, there is simply not a thing wrong with sox appeal

  2. i would take her back to the vet who performed the operation,and ask them why she is acting like this,i don't even think its a phantom pregnancy,but it certainly isn't a normal behavior for a spayed cat

  3. My cats do this too (both male and female).  Is is a deep, almost howling type of sound?  My sweet Kitty used to howl like that when he was at the door, bringing me something he had killed.  It was a different kind of meow all together, he didn't need to drop the dead chipmunk to do it.  

    My cats are all indoor cats now, but occassionally, they'll bring me a glove, sock, or earmuffs, and they'll howl like that while holding it.  

    I'm not sure what exactly it means, but it's not about your cat being pregant or in heat so much as it is a predatory instict.

  4. it's a maternal instinct kicking in. you should get a kitten soon. it will make her happy.

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