
My cat recently died and my mum had the strangest experience...?

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My cat who i've had since the age of three recently died,and i was heartbroken.On the day she was put down,she was lying on the sofa,as the vet came to the house.My mum's had a couple of strange experiences in her past,for example,when she almost died,she could feel herself floating away & was looking down on her body but was brought back.Another time,she woke up in the night distressed at the same time her cousin had a heart attack.Anyway,she was watching tv the other night,sitting on her chair besude the sofa where my cat Lucy was.Suddenly,out the corner of her eye,she saw my cat stand up and walk away,& just disappear.Next moment,the tv said 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'(the beatles song) and spoke about lucy for the rest of the show.However,my mum said she wasnt thinking about my cat at the time when it happened.What are your thoughts?




  1. Interesting.

  2. I'd read Ephesians 6 kjv for starters.Animals have keen senses of paranormal events.Start at verse 12.

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