
My cat refuses to eat, please help.?

by  |  earlier

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My 3-year old healthy calico kitty recently stopped eating all together. I have aready begun feeding her gerber baby food via a syringe for the last 3 days, 6mg every 2-3 hours. She was really chubby and now she is down to skin and bones. She won't even drink water!

Here's the story.... she's an indoor cat and I recently took a job working for a University in the middle east. I took her with me. She was fine the first month, but now 3 months later she won't eat. I have looked around for a vet, but the only one just works on camels and cows. I need advice on what to do at this point.

She seems healthy, just depressed. No scratches or bugs or worms that I can see. Thanks for helping us.




  1. I don't know what's wrong with your cat, but as I'm sure you are already aware, not eating is a very worrying sign.  You don't mention whereabouts you are in Egypt, but these links are for vets and animals welfare groups.  If none of them are in your area, they may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help your cat. (You need to scroll to the bottom of the page on the first link).

    Hope you find the help you need for your cat.

    EDIT:  There are 83 vets listed in the Egyptian Yellow Pages - one of them must be near you.

  2. Do you give her a lot of attention? My cat gets sad if we don't pay attention to him.

  3. call a vet on the phone. Can you get to a video camera so that you could possibly do it live? I'm not sure if you can, but just a thought...  

  4. TAKE YOUR CAT TO THE VET!!!!!!!!!


    You need to find one.  Sorry, but what you're doing obviously isn't working.

    Or heck, call one on the something.

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