
My cat scratched my all over my arm like 5 scratched what should i do?

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I got scratches all over my arm from playing with a kitten. I heard they have very dirty nails. My arm is getting kind of red. Should i run to the doctor Its 10:30 PM I dont want to but i dont want anything to happen to my while im sleeping. I put neosporin and benadril on it and washed it with hydrogen peroxcide and like 10 mins after it happened. Should it be fine?




  1. rubbing alcohol will help you.

  2. You will definitely live.

    Cats/kittens are frisky.  

    I have had way more than that at one time.  

    It was good to medicate them.

    They will scab over and may be tender or may not.

    I try to wear a sock over my arm if I know my cat is going to get frisky.  

    It protects my skin and he enjoys the sock.

  3. Wash it with soap and water.  If in the next twelve hours or less you see swelling with red lines, time to see a doctor.  My cat has scratched me and I have never had a problem.

  4. Usually the way to treat a cat scratch is pour rubbing alcohol on the scratch(es), then put neosporin on them, and cover with a bandage. Continue to change the bandages about once per day until the scratches are healed sufficiently.

  5. i get red itchy welts from cat scratches because i'm allergic. you cleaned up with hydrogen peroxcide so i'd think you'd be fine.

  6. It should be fine... It should still be a little red tomorrow.

  7. You should fine the peroxide disinfects n that cleans the wounds n neosporin also disinfects n protects the  cut so your good n benedryl may fight ne allergic reaction you may have to it so you youll fine smart kid  

  8. its only a scratch! get over it!

  9. clean the scratches with detol and then put some antiseptic cream on will be ok, Ive been scratched heaps of times and Im not

  10. what you have done is fine,  keep putting on neosporin daily and trim your kitty's nails.

  11. that happened to my brother. there is a low risk of tetanus, but it can wait till morning to get checked. you'll be fine over night.

  12. Wash it out with peroxide....... you will be fine im sure good luck...

  13. should be fine keep it clean and antibiotic on it till heals

  14. Go in the morning to the pharmarcy and talk to chemist- they can give you help on what drugs you should buy for it or if you should get it checked by a doctor for a prescription.

  15. They say that kittens are dirty because they sometimes have difficulty using the litter box, and while burrying p**p, they get p**p on their paws. Chances are that yoour cat is past this stage.

    It's normal for cat scratches from very clean cats to swell a little bit - it's lilke a mild allergic reaction to the stuff that's in cat saliva - and they l**k their claws when they groom themselves.

    If the scratches look worse tomorrow, or don't get better in a day or so, then check with a doctor.  


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