
My cat scratched my upper lip..?

by  |  earlier

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Well I was holding my cat and the he jumped down, while doing so, he scratched the inside of my upper lip, with his back claws (you can't see the cut) And Its swollen and hurts! I'm afraid to put anything in my mouth of fear that it would burn. It feels really weird. What should I do? Will I be ok? What should i use to disinfect it? Note: This happened a couple hours ago...




  1. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water and do this about 2-3 times a day and if it continues to hurt then I would suggest seeing a doctor, however I believe you'll b fine.

  2. 80 % of cat bites and scratches get infected. You need an antibiotic. Don't believe the other people. My daughter was attacked by a cat when she was 10 months old. The cat bit her in the mouth bad. And scratched her face and neck badly. ( It was a stray ferrel kitten that wandered up)   We took he to the hospital and they told us that if we would not have she may have died form the infection. Cats have something in the saliva that acts as a poison and this is very dangerous. They have a ton of bacteria on their nails as well...e.g. Cat scratch fever. Think about the fact that he or she uses a litter box where there has been waist excreted before this scratch. I would go to the doctors or clinic a.s.a.p.  

  3. I would add to Margarita's answer.  If the site does not improve in the next few days see your health care professional.

    All the Best

  4. My cat scratched the soft skin under my eyelid a few weeks ago and it swelled up a lot. Since yours is inside your lip, I would try an oral antiseptic. Mouth cuts usually heal quickly.

  5. cat scratches often get infected, just put something on it, it wont hurt that bad.

  6. Any of the mouthwashes recommended above--salt, Listerine--would be good. I think the best of them all would be Hydrogen Peroxide, 2 tablespoons in half a glass of warm water. Swish until used up. Repeat 3 times a day for about 3 days and it should all heal up just fine.

  7. it happened to me one time before except on my arm and a nurse saw it and made use pay 400 $ just to see if my cat had rabies so if your down on money i would do salt water 3-4 times a day its easier.

  8. Anything you put on it to disinfect it is going to sting, but it needs to be done. I'd try a salt water rinse or Listerine. I hope your cat is caught up on it's shots.

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