
My cat stopped using the litterbox? HELP?! i dont know what to do

by  |  earlier

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ive had this cat for 13 years and we have had no problems with him using the litterbox hes alwayed used it... but now all the sudden the past couple of weeks he wont stop peeing on this spot on the rug so we moved the littlerbox over the spot but then he just goes right next to the littler box. my rug is getting ruined and i dont know what to do plz help. i cant get rid of him hes family and i tried yelling at him and getting him to stop while i catch him peeing on the rug but he just keeps doing it.




  1. You'll need to get rid of the rug as he'll always be able to smell his pee there. :-(   If you have a laundry room , put his food in there and also his litter tray, he'll get used to going in his tray again.

    He's 13 years old - well done ! He's obviously had a very good life with you if he's 13. Unfortunately, 13 is 'getting old' for a cat and they tend to get incontinent as they get to the end of their lives. Just be patient with him and make his last days happy.

    Good luck, you'll get over this, he doesn't mean to have accidents, he just can't help it any more.  

  2. he might have a uti, take him to the vet and gets some antibiotics, when they have a uti they tend to pee is a certain spot meaning not in the litter box. If that isn't the problem maybe switch the litter, try scoop away better odor control and most cats like it. good luck and don't give up

  3. I do agree that you need to take him to the vet to rule out UTI. This is NOT the typical symptoms of UTI, but you need to be sure or everything else is a waste of time. UTI is more oppertunistic peeing, and going on anything soft, like clothes or towels, not singling out a specific spot and going there every time.

    Use an enzymatic urine product to neutralize the spot. Nature's Miracle is one of the most well known names. Do NOT use soap or other products first as they may well set the stain and smell instead of eliminating it. Keep in mind that the urine has gone deep into the carpet and the pad. Perhaps even into the sub-floor. You need to really soak the spot and use a powerful wet/dry vac to pick it back up.

    Once you are positive it is a behavior problem, see if your local shelter or SPCA, HSUS, or other has an advice person available. There are too many things to discuss here.

    Are their ANY changes, no matter how small or unrelated, in your opinion? For example, a new appliance, new brand or type of litter, new person or animal in the house, other behaviorial changes? We are looking for even changes so small that you KNOW they are not the cause.

    You see things in one respect, the cat sees them in a different respect. What seems like nothing to you can be monumental to the cat.

    How many litter boxes to you have? You should have the number of cats plus one. If you have only one cat, that means two boxes in separate places. Covered box? Near an appliance, water heater, air conditioner, dehumidifier, furnace, etc.?

    Too much to talk about here, but post more info including answers to these questions. Have you searched YA! for answers to the same question that you have? I know there are dozens of them because I have answered so many in the past.

    13 is NOT ancient for a cat. It is typical for a cat to live to 17 and have a good life up until near the end. 13 is mature, even old, but certainly not like a 100 year old human. Perhaps more like a 70 year old.

  4. he has a urinary track infection, go to the vets and get some antibiotics it will clear up and he will use the box again

  5. If nothing else has changed in his life..

    He may have a UTI,  Take hime to the vet.

  6. You should contact your vet, because it could be because the cat could be sick.

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