
My cat that is 4 months is getting declawed and neutered,how long will it take him to heal?

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is the a day procedure at the vet? how long does it take?




  1. To be frank, he will never recover from being declawed. Do you know what happens when they declaw a cat? They remove the last joints of his toes. This means that the cat has to relearn how to walk and will probably have chronic pain in his paws. Cats who have been declawed frequently become biters because they feel defensless. If he's been scratching the furniture and stuff there are two humane options. First try clipping his claws with a kitty nail-clipper. Your vet can show you how. Secondly, try buying nail covers. They stick to his claws like artificial nails and prevent him from damaging stuff.  

  2. Do you know what veterinarians do when they declaw a cat? Some take a blade and just cut the knuckle clear off and some take large animal nail clippers and just clip them off. IT IS BLOODY. I work at a vet clinic and have seen this procedure done only twice (since other owners were talked out of it) and it is a shame... Read up on this article:

    to see if there is any way you can train your kitty to not attack your couches and curtains (there is a way!).

    Here is what the consequences of declaws are:

  3. Never. Cats don't recover from declawing. It entails the removal of their toes and can cause permanent difficulties.

    Just get your kitten neutered and trim his claws as they grow.

    Declawing is illegal in civilized countries.  

  4. I had my kitten declawed and spade when she was about four months old. They kept her at the vet all day and I picked her up on my way home from work, she rested for about two days and I gave her lots of attention in that time, petting, bringing her her food, etc.After the first few days she was fine. I don't know about the other people that answered, but my furniture is still like new, unlike my older cat who was never declawed and is now to old to have that done to. "Bailey" has never been outside and still pretends she has claws by rubbing the side of the furniture, she is so cute!

  5. Declawing your cat will definitely change his personality. It's such a painful procedure, you'll have one angry adult cat later.

  6. It only takes a few days on the nutering for them to be feeling back to normal.The declawing took about 6 weeks to two mo.It will be much more painful for kitty.I lived in an apt. and I could not let her go out,so I decided it was the best thing to do. You can never let them out when they are declawed,because it is their only form of defence.Please make sure you plan on keeping your kitty indoors all his life,and that isn't easy.My cat was always tring to sneak out,its in their nature to want to be outdoors.They only removed her front claws.She was kept over night. Good luck with your new baby.

  7. he should heal quickly from the neutering it might not affect him much at all just a little tenderness in that area.  A declawing takes awhile longer to heal from, you'll need to clear his litter box of the cat litter and put in strips of torn up newspaper for a few days for him to heal....

    It usually takes overnight.  The procedure itself is relatively short, vets will keep a cat overnight because of the bandages they put on the cats feet and to make sure it recovers from the anaesthesia.

       Unlike others I DO and WILL have my cats declawed.  When declawed you need to make sure the cat doesnt get outside.  They have less of a defense.   They DONT remove the toes, its the claw itself they do go back rather deeply.  it is a painful procedure yes.  However for me and this is just MY choice not telling anyone that they should or shouldn't .   I have my cats declawed because it makes for a much nicer cohabitation here without shredded furniture or curtains. And no shredded skin when playing with them.

  8. Please- I beg you- don't declaw your cat.

    Imagine having your fingers chopped off at the top joint- that's what it entails. Would you ever recover from that?

    Cats claw. It's what they do- if you don't want that, don't get a cat. It's selfish and cruel.

    Here in the UK, it's illegal. Hopefully other countries will follow our system and make it illegal.

  9. Depending on where you live, most vets won't even declaw a cat, because it is considered inhumane. Although this still isn't ideal, if your cat is going to be an indoor cat ONLY, they have rubber/plastic covers that go over each individual claw to help prevent unwanted scratching.

    If your cat will EVER go outdoors, let their claws be! It could be his only defense if attacked or if he needs to climb out of something.

    Since he's so young, get him a good scratching post and (GENTLY!) take his paw and rub it on the post as if he were scratching's are pretty darn smart and he'll get the idea that that's the only place it's okay. If scratching furniture/carpets is still a problem, use a spray bottle with water to give him a light spray while firmly saying "No!" The water can be used for any inappropriate behavior instead of hitting. There's also sprays available wherever you buy pet food/products that have a scent (either citrus or one undetectable to you) that will turn off a cat and won't hurt your furniture. That helps to keep them off furniture you don't want them sleeping on.

    Anyways...the actual neuter procedure is quite fast, especially for a male, and unless there are problems you will drop off and pick up the cat the same day. Because for a male cat there are no stitches, he will be back to his normal self within a few days. Boys still get anesthesia, and it takes about 6-8 hours minimum for it to wear off, and you shouldn't let your cat play too much for at least 4 days to allow the incision time to heal.

  10. Neutered is fine and it will always miss the act.

    It is mean to declaw, should be against the law.

  11. do some research on the declawing before you have it done, you just might change your mind.

  12. If you’re thinking about having your cat declawed, there are many things you should know before you make your decision.  The surgery is basically an American trend, and is considered inhumane and is illegal in many countries (England, Scotland, Wales, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Slovenia, Portugal, Belgium, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Yugoslavia and Japan).  If that doesn’t impact your opinion about declawing, maybe this website will help you decide:

    I believe that people who have their cats declawed are uneducated.  It is not very difficult to train your cat to use a scratching post.  The surgery is not simply a trimming of the claws, it’s an amputation of the distal phalanx, including bones, ligaments, and tendons! To remove the claw, the bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons must all be amputated.  If you were to make a comparison, it would be like having the last joint of each of our fingers chopped off.  So of course it is a painful surgery, with a painful recovery.  There are often many complications in the healing process, including infection often from litter box use, resulting in a life-long aversion to the litter box.  Other declawed cats that can no longer mark with their claws, will mark with urine instead, resulting in inappropriate elimination problems.  

    Many cats who have been declawed are traumatized and become withdrawn, nervous, fearful and/or aggressive.  Cats who went through the painful surgery are more prone to resort to biting when they feel threatened.  Since cats have emotional feelings (just like we do) they can resent you if you decided to get them declawed.  All of these things can cause depression and ultimately lead to an overweight cat.

    If a cat who has been declawed accidentally escapes, he/she would be in great danger.  A cat needs it's claws to defend itself, as well as to escape by climbing.  The constant state of stress, caused by a feeling of defenselessness may make some declawed cats more prone to disease.  Also they cannot stretch their back and shoulder muscles like they do naturally when they dig their claws into a scratching post.  

    One popular alternative is Soft Paws.  They are lightweight vinyl nail caps that you glue on the cat's front claws.  They're great for households with small children and are extremely useful for people who are away from home all day and can't exercise the watchfulness necessary to train a cat to use a scratching post.  Soft Paws are easy to apply and last about four to six weeks.  They come in clear or colors--which are really fun.

    Most common types of damage are scratched furniture, ripped carpets and shredded wallpaper.  You want to eliminate the problem before it occurs.  Buy or build a stable, tall scratching-post, right from the start.  Here are some tips to do it right: If your cat is scratching your furniture or rugs, here is some advice on training them to use a scratching post:

    • The post should be at least two feet high, covered with sisal-rope

    • Get more than one, especially when you have a multi-cat household

    • Place the post close to the furniture or other areas which are most at risk

    • Introduce a new scratching-post with some catnip sprinkled on its surface.  Cats love that and it’s more attractive to them

    • If your cat starts scratching the "wrong" object, say "NO" and gently carry your cat to the desired post.  Demonstrate how to use it by scratching the post with your own nails.  If the cat doesn‘t catch on after trying this repeatedly for a few days, gently pick up his paws rub them along the post.

    • Never force your cat.  When it starts scratching the post by itself, make sure you use verbal praise with a rewarding treat and affection.  The cat needs to know that using the scratching post results in positive things such as affection, playing and treats.

    • When you have a kitten, start early with the "pawing at post" technique

    • Invest in what’s called a “cat tree” which acts also as a leisure area for your cat.  Different textures and heights make it more interesting, you perhaps want to build it yourself

    • Try some repellent like pepper-dust or some commercial products on your furniture to keep your cat off these areas

    • Be persistent and don't give up too soon

    Use cat claw trimmers and only take off a tiny bit at the end of the nail. Some people say to do it every other week. I think it‘s safer to cut off less than you are told, and to do it more often, (like once a week). Never use trimmers that are made for humans or dogs, because you are more likely to hurt her that way. You can ask your vet or groomer to show you the proper way to do it. Here's a website that shows you how:

  13. The US is the only "civilized" country in the world that does NOT consider declawing to be animal cruelty.  It is illegal in most of Europe - and thank goodness for that.  Declawing should be called de-toeing as it involves amputating the first joint of each toe in order to remove the claw.  Some animals recover - others do not.  And those are the ones seen in shelters and rescues.  Many of them become biters - now that their claws are gone they are more apt to use their teeth if annoyed or scared.  Many develop a litter box aversion, since their mutilated feed have become very painful.  They now go outside the box.  Some develop serious behavior issues - aggression and personality changes.  Do you know that the declaw surgery is so painful that it's what pharmaceutical companies use to test the effectiveness of their pain drugs?

    Take a look a this link, it will show you exactly how a declaw surgery is performed:  

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