
My cat threw up into our cable box?

by  |  earlier

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and it's not working properly. What are the chances that if I vacuum it after it dries, that it might work again? I know this is a shot in the dark, but it never hurts to ask.




  1. Please don't blame the cat. Some of the stuff that comes through that cable box, is really sickening.  LOL..

    Go to an electronics store and ask for a spray can of

    Instant Contact Cleaner. It leaves no residue. It should do

    the job.  Other wise get a new box from the cable co.

    I have a can of LPS from years ago.  I don't know if they still

    have this brand, but there are others out there.  Pricey yes,

    but you can use it on a ton of electrical stuff.

    I Cr 13;8a

  2. First off, unplug the cable box and disconnect the cables to eliminate any chance of a short. Let it dry and remove what you can with a vacuum then try a shot of compressed air in a can ( available at any decent computer store) and if that dies not work, try the instant contact cleaner. If that does not work, take it in to a repair center.

    DO NOT open the case if it's a box from your cable company, they may accuse you of trying to tamper with it.

    Hope this helps, and hope the cat is OK.

  3. no even when it`s drys and u vacume it won`t fix

  4. YUck, yuck and yuck.

    Why ruin your vaccuum with cat puke?

  5. My cable company gives me a free box whenever I blow it up.

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