
My cat throws up is she ok?

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almost once a day i find some throw up from my cat, the food chunky like its not chewed up properly, i notice that she has a hard time chewing the food, but she seems healthy and very playful, is it just over eating, or could it be something else?




  1. If your cat seems otherwise healthy and not losing weight then a small amount of regurgitation is probably not a big problem. I would probably be more concerned about your comment with regards to chewing. If your cat has trouble chewing she really should be checked by a vet. She may have problems with her teeth or jaw. Dental problems are extremely common in cats.

    Sounds like it would be a good idea for your cat to have a check-up and then you can mention the throwing up as well.  

  2. truly find out what the problem is and how to treat it would be to get her to your veterinarian for some diagnostic procedures (x-ray and bloodwork.)

  3. Chunky food in the upchuck means it wasn't in the stomach for long.  And even though it looks like they are chewing their food, more often it is more a case of inhaling it.

    If a cat eats too fast, they will upchuck.  If she is being free fed, has the bowl been empty for awhile before new food was put out?  That can cause them to overeat.  If being fed on schedule, perhaps more times with less food will solve the problem.

    If it seems like she is having difficulty chewing, she could have a tooth or gum problem.  Peel back her lips and see if the gum seems inflamed.  That is often a clue that dental problems are bothering her.

  4. could be a furball.

  5. My cat used to do that a few years back, the problem if only just this is that your cat is eating much more than it should, and its stomach couldn't take it, an easy way to fix this is just to feed it smaller amounts at a time, something close to meals, because the cat can't portion itself correctly

  6. She could have digestive tract problems or be eating things she isn't supposed to. You should take her to the vet, just to make sure there isn't anything seriously wrong. However, it could be normal, since the same happens with my cat on occasion.

  7. You say your cat is being sick every day. This is not normal, whatever people say it could be on here, there is no substitute for veterinary advice. How old is she? When you say she has a hard time chewing her food, can you give me more information? What are you noticing when she is chewing?  

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