
My cat tink keeps scratching my leather couches, my dad is going to give her away if i don't make her stop

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My cat tink keeps scratching my leather couches, my dad is going to give her away if i don't make her stop




  1. You most likely have a litter box so I wont go into that.  But I know pet stores sell scratching post.   Try that.

  2. I have a cat, who used to mess up the furniture.

    We had stopped her from doing that by covering the couches with wool blankets. Whatever you do, don't de-claw your cat. It hurts them and it hurts to see it happen. De-clawing a cat is an animal cruelty, stated by the ASPCA, and Bide-a-wee homes for cats and dogs. Follow the advice and it will work out to keep, your cat, Tink.

  3. spray them with a water bottle when you catch them doing it. Also can rub some Cayenne pepper on the spots they like to scratch. Once they get it on their paws and l**k it off, they won't be back.

  4. There's this stuff you can buy, but it's like a spray, and it's to keep cats away from certain furniture that you don't want them on. I have leather furniture and 4 cats.

    I'm not buying leather furniture again.

  5. Do not declaw her...ever! it is cruel and in the UK vets aren't allowed to do this. Try the sprays, scratching pole or evek a piece of wood with it's bark on. The cat would be better somewhere else than de-clawed with you

  6. Have her front paws declawed.  That's what I did with mine.

  7. buy her toys and leather stuff she will be just fine

    hope that answers your question

  8. Please do this...It'll be tough at first...

    Clip your kitties nails...Just take off the first 1/3...

    She's a housecat and her nails have grown really long because she dosen't have anything to scratch on to "wear them down"...Cats nails just grow and grow...

    If you keep the nails clipped (it will be quite a challenge if it's never been done before), she's much less likely to feel the need to wear them down...

    I have 2 cats right now but I've had cats all my life (I'm 41) and by simply keeping your kitties nails clipped, you relieve the need for them to sharpen them.. :-)

    Be tough...She won't let you do it at first...But after she gets the idea that she HAS to put up with clipping, she'll give in, I promise.. :-)

    Please don't even concider having her declawed...This is beyond inhumane...They amputate 1/3 of the cats toes...It's mutilation.

  9. get a scratching post or declaw her

  10. Have you gotten your cat a scratching post? I heard that helps. If worse come to worse have it de clawed ( I would never do that though)

  11. Have her claws removed. If you can't afford that...keep them trimmed and filed down dull until you can afford to do so. You might also consider getting her a decent scratching post.

  12. get soft paws.

    they stop it from scratching or

    get some thing that smells like citrus and

    sprinkle some over ^^

    they HATE citrus good luck ^^

  13. put her in a room without leather couches ... good luck

  14. Pet stores do sell a spray that you can put on the couch to make the cat not want to scratch the couch. I'm not sure if it's okay for leather or not...? Also a scratching post is a good idea. And a spray bottle w/ water and when she scratches spray her, she shouldn't keep doing it after getting sprayed with water enough times.

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