
My cat under stress?

by  |  earlier

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My brother came to visit for almost 5 days. My 2 year old male cat has been under stress and was very afraid so he stayed in my moms room the whole 5 days. I gave him food/water/catbox in there with him. So my brother left and now my cat is acting strange. He won't eat or drink, all he does it sleep, he's very lethargic. I'm getting scared. What could this be? What can stress or fear cause?




  1. He feels as though his territory has been invited. Try keeping him calm. whoever he loves most should stay near him every so often to boost his confidence. Within time, the feline should relax.  

  2. this may sound wierd but its true. stress causes urinary tract infections in male cats around that age and UTI causes fever and lethargy.  take him to the vet for a urinalysis and get him some anti biotics, and give him lots of attention and he will be fine, but you have to take him immediatly. has he been using the litter box? and was he using it in the room for 5 days, always provide them with fresh water too. my cat has this problem so i know, trust me.
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