
My cat uses my stuff for his litter box?

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my cat is using my personal items as his personal litterbox. His litter box is kept very clean. He came in from outside jumped up on my bed and immediately pooped on my pillow! He has used the hood of my car as well. I now find his trail on my washer and dryer. I love my cat, but I am having a hard time dealing with this new habit of his. I hate that I am beginning to think very bad things about his future if this problem cannot be solved. I don't know what to do. Please help me! There has been no sudden change, no traumatic events, no changes to his litterbox, nothing that I can think of. He wa adopted from a local animal rescue shelter when he was 3 months old and was nuetored at that time. This problem started about 3 months ago. We had tried to keep him inside but he wanted outside very badly and would escape out the door everytime it was opended. Now he prefers to be outside. However when he comes in.... My washer and dryer are on the back porch which he has access to 24/7. He is now 31/2 years old.




  1. cats can do this if they have kidney trouble or they are upset about a traumatic event

    take him to get checked at the vet- blood levels etc

  2. I'm going through this also.  But my cat is 13 years old.  I had to re-litter box train one of my males though.  That's what the vet suggests is that you do put your cat in a small room with just his food, water, and litter box.  Don't let them out for any reason.  It could take up to a week to get them used to it all over again.  But for the places you don't want him to go, get a spray bottle and fill it with straight white vinegar.  Spray it on that spot.  Your house will smell like a salad for a couple of hours, but cats hate that smell.

  3. Is he fixed?

    I would not allow him in with such bad behavior.

  4. Just as a precaution, since he goes outside a lot, get your kitty tested for FIV and FeLuk.

    If he tests negative, I would keep him housed up in a single room (with food, water and litter box). You need to retrain the kitty because being outside, he just goes where he wants out there so why should it be any different in your home? So, keep him in a single room and make sure he knows where his litter box is.

    Don't give in to him when he cries and try not to let him back outside anymore. It's unsafe. There are ways in doing this. I had a siamese that would dart outside anytime the door would open (He was originally a stray). It took about a month of shooing him back inside before he got the point that he was not allowed outside anymore. The main thing I used was a water sprayer with a jet stream.

    Good luck!

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