
My cat very important too. PLEASE ANSWER IDC IF U DUNNO I NEED HELP!!

by  |  earlier

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Shes been in a fissy hissy pissy mood and so then, shes only going around me ONLY, shes afraid of her own species (cats) and she has cheeks that are swollen they are this big ( ) literally and she has blood top of her eyelid please help should i take to a vet? well guess wat? i cant afford it plz help me!!




  1. Sounds like a snake bite. Are there any fang wounds any where? If so, if it's on it's leg, make a snug but not really tight cast on her leg to slow the spread of venomn. I know you say you can't afford it but if there are bite marks and you don't take her to the vet, she will DIE! I need to make this clear:CALL YOUR VET ANYWAYS! IT DOESN"T COST YOU TO CALL! Please please call them- vets can work out a payment plan.

  2. you really need to take ur cat to the vet.It sounds like it got hit by a car. but if you have to use a credit card...

  3. u should take her to the vet  and ask if u can make payments..

  4. Vet.  Now.

  5. Please take her to a vet asap !!!! Try and find a vet that does not charge too much - where do you live ?  Phone a animal shelter and ask them for advice and if they can help you with your kitty - explain to them that you love your kitty but can not affort expensive vets bills !

    Good luck, I hope your cat survives !!!

  6. You really need to take your cat to the vet. The reason she may have swollen cheeks is that she is probably allergic to something that she had gotten in to. Example : food, plants, etc. Do yourself the favor find the money to take care of this asap you and your cat will thank you for it. Plus if anything really bad happens. you'll never forgive yourself.

  7. please take your kitty to the vet asap!!  explain to them about your financial situation, they will most certainly work with you.  their first concern will be for the welfare of the cat.  i know the economy is tight now, they do too!!

  8. Vet. and see if you can make monthly payments or something. your cat sounds like she is in Dire need of it!!! ♥

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