
My cat was recently shot...

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Several other people in my neighborhood have reported missing cats in the past three weeks (since my cat was shot) and today my neighbor found her cat shot as well. What can a person do about such crimes? By the way, my cat is okay, but I am worried he will get shot again and not be so lucky. What can I do???




  1. Keep your cat in the house and call animal control or the spca, different places call them different things.  Get information from your neighbours and have them get on board with you.  I would not let this go, tell people in your neighbourhood what is going on.

  2. This is why you should not allow your cat outside.  Cats are domesticated animals.  By letting yours outside you are shortening it's lifespan by 5-7 years due to the dangers, illness, etc. that it can face.

    As for what you can do about the shooter, call the police.  This is against the law and you should file a report.  

  3. Report it to the police and get the other people to do the same. Until the person/people responsible are caught, I would keep your cat indoors at all times. Yeah it might seem abit cruel and he might meow alot coz he wants to go out but it's better than finding him injured or worse.

  4. try calling the police?  maybe the humane society...but im sure that if you call the police, it IS illegal to hurt ANY they have to investigate....also, i wouldnt let your cat outside.  i dont think cats should be outdoor animals because of how mean people can be to them, they can be hit by cars, or attacked by dogs.

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