
My cat was run over and killed when i was on holiday. how can i come to terms with this?he was my baby.?

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i had 2 cats who i love so much. precious was the eldest i got him nearly 6 years ago when he was a kitten. he was so cuddly and big like a teddy bear. i went on holiday last week and returned to only 1. he had been run over the day after we left. i am heartbroken and feel so guilty. maybe if we hadnt gone he would still be here or if he wasnt a big cat he would have been able to run faster. i feel worse as each day goes by and now cant sleep. i cant let my other cat out of my sight and have locked the cat flap. he is sad and misses precious too.i cant stop imagining him lying there in pain wondering where i am.and it hurts do i get over this?




  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I could give you words that would make you feel better but only time can do that.

  2. Oh i know how you feel, i woke up this morning and i couldn't get back to sleep because i felt like something was wrong, I finally feel asleep and about 10:00 in the morning my uncle came to my house and said that my favourite sheep marbles had died, Everyone sat around laughing and joking about him, i felt so sad, but obviously they didn't care!, At the moment they've all gone round to bury him, i couldn't go because i felt so sad, we grew up together and now he's gone, i too cant stop imagining my little boy lying in the shed in pain not being able to move, It's so hard not to cry, I miss him so much and i never got to say goodbye. Anyway i hope you get over the loss of your baby cause i cant get over the loss of mine.

  3. Sorry for your lose, but when cats get hit by cars, usually it's quick for them and there is no time for them to feel any pain. Just give your other cat lots of love and attention and make sure to keep him indoors for now. In a few weeks, you might consider getting another cat to keep him company.

  4. 4 year ago, my Beagle, Emmie, got hit by a car and died.  My wife and I were devastated.  It was like losing a child.  I know how you feel and I wish there was something I could say to take the hurt away, but there isn't.  Only time can heal your wound.

    We have another beagle now, Sammy.  And we love him just as much as Emmie.  But we still talk about her.

    Take Care.

  5. What a terrible thing to have gone through. I am so sorry. A great many people have gotten comfort from the Rainbow Bridge poem. I hope this helps

  6. I am so sorry for your loss, you gave your kitty the freedom to go outdoors and breath the fresh air, its a part of life we will all die someday. I wouldn't blame yourself it could have happened if you were there to. Its going to hurt time will heal you,but all you can do is keep him in your heart forever.

  7. I am truly truly sorry. I have 3 cats and I think a part of me would die if something happened to 1 of mine. I had a cat when my husband and I got married 28 years ago and he lived till he was 22 years old. My husbandgot up 1 Sunday morning and he came and told me that something was wrong with Bo and I started screaming crying. It absolutely was horrible. I don't have children so my cats have always been my babies. The ones I have now 2 of them I got when they were both kittens fron the same place but they aren't related and the other 1 my husband just brought home to me 1 day. And again I am sorry.

  8. Oh no i am so very sorry for your loss i truely am. I am also so attached to my cats . I lost one a few years ago the same way only i watched him run out and get hit and there was nothing i could do . It takes awhile to get over but the best way is to give the kitty thats left alone now lots of extra love and attention because he is feeling it just like you are . i also dont blame you for keeping the one thats left in the house . I would too , its a natural reaction to your loss to keep the one thats left close for reassurance . Just remember the love that you gave him and try to let your lonely kitty know how much you love him now that he is alone too . once again i am very sorry for your loss.Maybe when you have had time to heal you should look into adopting a cat from a good shelter and giving your other kitty a new freind and also helping another cat that needs a loving home.

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your cat, and I guess your loss is all the harder to bear because you didn't get to say goodbye to him.  Please don't blame yourself for his death, it was a tragic accident, but it was not your fault and could have happened even if you weren't away on holiday.  When my previous cat died after a visit to the vet (they over sedated her in order to take a blood test and she never fully regained consciousness) I beat myself up about that for a long time.  It broke my heart when she died and I blamed myself for taking her to that particular vet.  I found an article on the internet written especially for bereaved pet owners about dealing with guilt which helped me come to terms with my loss, and perhaps it may help you too.

    It's clear that you loved your cat very much and I'm sure he knew that.  It may not seem like it now, but the pain will fade from your heart and you will be able to remember the happy times you shared with your cat.  I hope that you have good friends you can talk to and a shoulder to cry on as I found that helped me a lot.

    Your other cat may also be grieving too and the article below will help you comfort each other.

    Once again, I'm very sorry for your loss.

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