
My cat was stinky from eating a dead animal so i tried to give her a bath bu i couldn't get her in any water ?

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if i put her near water she would claw me. i then put her in the washing machine and let it fill with 3/4 water with the lid shut so she would have to swim around well she jumped out smelling better when i opened the lid but now she wont come off the roof how can i coax her down?




  1. You moron

  2. oh my gosh your cat has a reson to stay up there!!!


    if you wanted her to take a bath just fill the tub up with water about half way and let your cat sit on the tub on its own then it might paw at the water, thats wat my cat does

    plus cats dont liek water so just fabrezz the house and frabrezz above your cat then she'll have that smell on her

    plus she can always l**k the smell off

    good luck getting her down now shes prob terrified o u

    just let her be she should be down by dinner time

    OHHHHH shake wax paper liek ur gonna feed her and then feed her


    P.s good luck

  3. cut her nails then take her a bath every cat needs to have a bath once pr month at least

  4. Catapult her, she'll be sure to come down then. hehe...

  5. You put your cat in the washer?! Don't do that. Thats funny, I just washed my cat today. It went very well because my cat is used to it although he cries when I put the sink running for his bath. Here's my advice. Its best for a cat that is not used to water to have two people giving a bath. One holding the cat and the other washing the cat. I use a nice big sink to wash my cat in. If you don't have one a big square bucket in a closed area where your cat can't get away is fine. Without the cat seeing put warm water NOT HOT WATER into the sink or bucket. Have the shampoo, towel, and a cup ready for your cat. Then you and your people partner bring the cat in the bucket or sink. The key is to talk to your cat in a sweet voice constantly. So when your cat gets in the bucket have your people partner hold your cat while you wash your cat. Then, after your cat is washed and completely rinsed with no trace of shampoo. Put your cat in a towel. Wrap the towel around your cat so the cat can't escape and dry it. So that's how you bath a cat. Do this monthly. Now the roof thing is no problem. Your cat will eventually get hungry and come down the roof. Well, I hope I helped!

  6. Cats are curious by nature. Perhaps if you jump in the washer and close the lid she'll come down to see if you are still sucking air!

  7. ..... im not even going to comment on the stupidity of putting the cat in the washer, but when she does eventually come down--she will when she gets hungry--you can try to give her a "sponge bath"  just get a wash cloth wet and soapy and rub her fur with it.  it shouldnt be dripping, just wet enough to lather slightly.  after that, rinse out the wash cloth and use just water.  she shouldnt mind it too much, as long as you're gentle, but dont be surprised if she doesnt trust you for a long time to come.  

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