
My cat was throwing up?

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ok so a few days ago my cat was puking but she stopped and i don;t know why why ould she throw up and then suddenly stop (this kept on for 2 days)




  1. This happened to my cat for about a week. YOur cat might have at human food or something that got it sick. Dont worry it will die down it continues take it to the vet to get checked up

  2. What did she puke?

    Sometimes they eat without chewing enough and swallow pieces that are too big and throw up because of that.  Sometimes it's hairballs.  Sometimes it's because they ate random junk (one of mine has thrown up part of a bra strap.  he'll eat or try to eat anything he finds).  Sometimes they throw up water and stomach acid if they don't eat for awhile.  

    Sometimes it's a sign of a bigger illness and sometimes they just feel bad for a couple days.  If there was nothing disturbing in the puke, like blood, and she acts normal now then I wouldn't worry.  You might want to make sure she has plenty of water and wet food in case she's feeling a bit dehydrated after all the puking.  

  3. It might be a hairball if it continues take her to the vet so it doesn't worsen. You can buy hairball control food so this doesn't happen again or give her grass.

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