
My cat won't eat why?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone, my cat was sick on saturday morning and since then he has barely or not at all touched his food, it is what he is used to he looks at it like he really wants it and walks away he even turned down sardines (extremely rare) he is only 1 year and 2 months old it is now monday night and all he's had is force fed cat milk and a sardine and a little cat food. What's wrong with him. I am asking advice before i take him to the vet, but obviously that's the next step HELP!





  1. Try him on chicken or fish! It could, be because he is bored of the same food.

    Or he could be ill, Take him to the vets - there good be something wrong with his belly.

  2. When he was sick, did he vomit?  If so, was it projectile vomiting?  The fact that he looks like he WANTS to eat but doesn't may mean he has a blockage.  He's so tiny, it wouldn't take much, just something off the floor maybe. If you have a recent p**p sample, take it with you to the vet.  Good luck, Mom.

  3. Has he been drinking any water?  If he is dehydrated, he may have lost his appetite.  And if he is small, he can become dehydrated quickly--especially if he has been vomiting or has diarrhea.  He should definitely go to the vet and get checked to make sure that he hasn't lost too much fluid.  Since you didn't specify how he was sick, vomiting, diarrhea, etc., it is harder to answer your question.  Since it is flea season, has he been treated with anything to kill fleas?  Could he have gotten into something in your house or outside?  Although your cat is quite young, it could also be a dental problem.      

  4. Maybe he isnt hungrey.

  5. if your cat won't eat I may have a solution. Get cat treats that are flavored like tuna. Let the cat sniff it and put it in his food bowl. Cats love this stuff so if this doesn't work, I don't know what else can. Put a few on  the floor. If he eats it then your off to a good start. When he finishes eating that show a few to him and lead him to his food bowl and put it in there. If he eats it he may pick a few of his dry food too. Another suggestion is to take him out to your back yard on a harness and leash. Let him eat some grass. Grass is very good for cats it has nutrients and helps the digestion system. When you come back in he may vomit. This is completley normal. When he vomits it may help get what ever he had in his stomach that was bothering him out. If you have any other questions you should call your vet.

    Hope this helps!

    Have any other cat questions?? Feel free to e-mail me!

  6. first of all, i understand your cat loves sardines but you're not suppose to feed your cat table food/human food. they can get really sick. try sticking to dry foods first and maneuver in wet foods if that's what you approve of. second, get your cat some cat grass. usually when they get sick and can't eat, they chew on cat grass which then will let you know that he still has a tummy ache. then you'll know to seek a vets opinion and see what tummy medicine you'll need to help your kitty.

  7. your cat has been sick and not eating since saturday!and its now monday night.instead of sitting here asking stupid question get the cat to the vets now..common sense tells you something is not right with it..if you been sick and off your food for 3 days wouldn't you be calling your doctor by now or been to visit him.

  8. My vet says baby food, the one with meat and broth only, chicken is best, did you give him hair ball meds? My cat got off foods when there is a big hair ball in there. GOOD LUCK!! GET HIM TO A VET!
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