
My cat won't stop peeing on everything!?

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Any suggestions? He pees on stuff in my room, and on shoes, backpacks... Everything. I don't want to give him to SPCA or something because I heard if he doesn't get adopted, then they'll put down.




  1. Is this a new thing?  If your cat has never done this before and has suddenly decided the world is his cat box then it is likely a urinary tract or bladder infection.  It she has had a recent battle with fleas it may be worms or some other medical issue.  Only a visit to the vet can diagnose and help with these issues.

    Cats that are not spayed will often mark things with pee.  They will also yowl when in heat, attract every stray in the area, and lots of other fun stuff.  

    If it is an occasional issue then it may be a litter box issue.  One of my cats will pee on towels in the bathroom if the litter box is not up to her very high standards!

    Other things that will make cats let it loose:  new cat in the home, moving to a new home where other cats used to live, new people in the house, change in the human's schedule or any other major change in the cat's world.  If this is the case, the cat will stop one she has adjusted to the change and feels she has protested enough to make her point!

    Good luck!

  2. Is he fixed? If he is you might need to clean his litter box more, at least scoop it once a day.  Take him to the vet if he continues doing it he may be sick..and if for some reason he doesnt stop and you dont know why you can call animal shelters and make sure they dont put down the animals, there are some shelters that wont do it unless the animal is sick and suffering.

  3. Sending you cat to a shelter because it's peeing in the wrong places is just RIDICULOUS so don't even entertain it. If you're prepared to get rid of an animal because it has a problem then you shouldn't have a pet in the first place and shame on everyone who suggested it.

    Get Feliway, worked for my cats.

  4. He is marking his territory. He will do this until you break  the habit. First get him fixed if he isn't. Then get a black light and some urine eliminator. Find every spot and drench it with  the urine eliminator. You will be amazed by how busy he has been. If you are diligent and find all the spots he will stop. As long as he can smell his urine around then house he will keep marking. It will take a couple of months but it will work.

  5. Well, my first question is have you taken him in for testing? Cats can have urinary infections that cause them to have to go very suddenly. Your first step should be to have him tested to make sure it's not happening due to a medical problem.

    If, you find out the little fella is physically fine, the next step is to re-approach your litter box mentality. Some cats are so clean that even though you might not smell anything -- they decide to go somewhere else rather than the litter box b/c that's "unclean" to them. You should clean the litter at least once a day, experts recommend completely cleaning (washing out, etc.) the box on a weekly basis. Also, you should always have at least one more litter box than cats. You're also going to want to throw out everything the cat has peed on that you can (we've tried numerous times to "clean" things w/fancy store products promising results & have never had them work) ... and clean what you can't throw out. Make sure you don't leave "tempting" things on the floor like laundry baskets, book bags, etc.

    Another factor to consider is whether or not he's your only cat. Our cat Belle had a peeing problem that was very sporadic. As soon as our older, male cat passed away -- poof! her peeing problem magically disappeared. Some cats don't like other animals, or in our case (as we have two younger cats) not being the so-called top dog. Good luck!

  6. are you cleaning out the litter box on a daily basis?  are you changing the litter once a week?  if the answer is yes to both questions, the cat probably has a UTI and should be taken to the vet immediately.  

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