
My cats are freaks! Don't mind spice or citrus...

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I've searched around the internet for ways to keep my kitten from chewing cords, and my older cat to stay off the kitchen counter. Two things I discovered, using citrus scents and spicy stuff (such as chili powder) are not working.

I tried put tape with chili powder around some cords to see how my kitten would respond. She loves it! She keeps going back and l*****g it like it's the tastiest thing she's ever had!

As far as citrus, I've made my kitchen as lemony smelling as possible, and neither cat cares. It doesn't bother them at all.

What else can I try??




  1. There is a product called "Bitter Apple" and I think it was originally to keep pets from chewing on them selves or excessively grooming. It comes in a spray bottle and it's really nasty. Try that. Keeping them off the counter is another thing all together, you can usually train them not to get up there when you are looking at them :o) One thing that did work for one of our cats was to buy mouse traps, set them and put them upside down on the counter and put a layer of newspaper over them. It's not easy to do but you don't want them to hurt your kitty. They jump up there and the traps snap and you are no where around so they think it's really scary. Worked on one cat but another one would jump up there and sit and snap them on purpose! Good Luck

  2. I know what you mean.  I thought I had the only cat in the world that actually likes the smell of citrus and doesn't mind double-sided tape or aluminum foil.  I tried all those training methods and none of them worked.  When I sprayed citrus carpet freshener around my computer desk to keep her away from there, she immediately rolled around on the floor and purred.  With aluminum foil and double-sided tape on the kitchen counters, she just gives me a look and then walks across it anyway.  When I had no success with these methods, I went to a book store and picked up a couple of books about cat training and found several suggestions.  One way to keep cats off of kitchen counters is to place a couple of baking pans or unbreakable plates on the counter and put a little water in them.  Cats usually don't like to walk in water, so if they step in the water, they'll try to get away.  In the process, they might knock down the pans or plates, which will be noisy, so they might not want to jump on the counters again and relive that experience.  I have to tell you, though, that I also tried this method and it didn't seem to work with my cat -- but maybe with yours, it will.  I just ended up deciding that I'd let my cat on the counters whenever there's nothing there for her to get into, but when I'm preparing food, I put her in another room.  Of course, since she's now allowed on the counters, I have to clean the counters more often, but that's not as much of a hassle as trying to keep her off.  As for the electrical cords, you can go to a hardware store or home improvement store and pick up something (I can't remember the name of the product) that wraps around the cords that can't be bitten or chewed.  I really wish you luck with this!  

  3. You can put the cords in PVC pipes and she won't be able to chew on them. Also pet stores sell motion sensor sprayers. They spray air or water (depending on the product) at the pet to scare it and keep it away. You can try these two products. Also cats don't like the feel of sticky things. Like tape sticky side up may keep your cat off the counters. Or crunched up aluminum foil, they don't like that feeling either. But, I think the motion sensors would work best. Good luck.

  4. my cat is freak to he will get up on me stick his nose and his mouth n my ear and start pawing on me it felt weird but i got used to it but we tried to make him stop but anyway all you have to do is either get up pat her/him on the butt iand say NO or if you dont want to get up say No and make a lound noise to scare her.him away and they will think if they do that the something is thee that they are afraid of  

  5. My one cat is a freak than too! lol One of mine will eat ANYTHING.. plums, cantaloupe, olives, just about anything. Could you try some sort of wire cover that maybe if she chews on it, it wouldn't let her get through it to the wire?  

  6. Don't worry.  They're not freaks.  My mom has one that loves cherry jello, my friend has one that loves Tabasco Cheese Nips and I have one that loves cookies.

    I would try using a spray bottle filled with water and yelling No!  That is usually a good trick.  Cats also hate loud noises, so try clapping your hands or banging some pot lids together as a deterrent!    

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