
My cats do not get along after getting spayed?

by  |  earlier

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they are litter mates 8 months old. always been together. the one hisses at the other when she gets close to her. will they get over it or will it be a problem forever?




  1. its a pecking order issue when they loose the s*x it messes up the pecking order I think there will always be a little issue. but they're just a little bitchy from being spade. I have a mom / daughter that act the same way. the Mother was a breeding show cat. and the daughter was kept to replace her mom. her color was a little off so she never showed well so we had them both fixed. We experienced similar behavior as you have. It has got better but they are visibly more distant since the operation  

  2. My littermates (boy/girl) were the same. They smell different to each other after being altered. It should resolve itself soon. Mine were best buds again within a couple days. Animals go more by smell than sight & the hormones aren't there anymore.

  3. Are you sure they aren't just hissing at eachother because they just had surgery?  

    I mean, wouldn't you want your playmate to know, "Hey, don't mess with me right now, I'm like sick, or something."

  4. I had this problem with my cats. It should go away after 1-1.5 weeks. They are just edgey from the operation, which is natural. It is very trying (I would imagine), having your privates removed. If it doesnt, then u should seperate them, and then slowly reintrouduce them.

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