
My cats don't want to play....

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I have 2 cats who luv 2 play...but they r lazy at the same time if that makes any sense. My one cat will get up on his back legs and jump to get feathers(the ones with the fishing pole things you can buy) but that is all he will other cat will play just as long as it is right in his do i get them to play and not be lazy at the same time?




  1. I bought a "feliway" diffuser that my vet told me about. It is used to stop undesirable behavior, and also used for cats that have a reduced desire to play and interact. It worked really great for my lazy cats! I also got ping pong balls and those toy mice with fur. I put them out on the floor and they really liked them

  2. How old are they?

    Or, maybe there tired?

  3. what I do with the feathers is twirl it around like it is flying, let it land a little bit away from the cat, and make it twitch. This drives them crazy because their prey instinct kicks in. They will wiggle their butt and run right for it. Also, try playing with strings, paper balls (cats love batting little balls of paper around), or get a cat tree that they can climb. Ever try laser pointers? some cats run all over for them. Either way, as long as you are stimulating them, it is healthy.

  4. They are not lazy, just getting older.  They won't play like they did when they were kittens.  Maybe they are tired of the toy and know that playing with it won't get them anything.  Try changing the toy or dipping it in catnip.  Try a laser pointer.  

    Cats sleep up to 16 hours a day, so don't expect them to want to play if they are sleepy.

  5. depending on their age and the temperment of the cat its sounds like they are either bored with their toys or just growing out of being so playfull,i had cats since i was a child and they do grow out of (play time) and just want affection and cuddles, personally i think its completely normal and my mum has 2 cats and they were so playfull now they just laze about get fed sleep and snuggle up to us! you could try and do fun games with treats such as ham and put it on the string,as long as your cats arent hungry and nearly clean the hand off of you!!!!!!! its a fun way to get them active but only leave the ham on for like a minute or less at a time!! dont worry cats will always land on their feet so to speak and if there is any pyhsical or health related reason your cat is not very active go to your vet!! (but try the ham first)LOL good luck!! and if you can let me know how you get on!!

  6. get a laser pointer. All of my cats go crazy for it (even my late kitty..she was 17 years old). They'll play with it until they're out of breath, and even then will still look all around the room for the little red dot, waiting for it to return. It's very entertaining and really gets them moving!

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