
My cats ear is all puffed up. what is wrong with it?

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My cats ear is all puffed up. what is wrong with it?




  1. The ear has many many tiny blood vessels in between two layers of skin.  If they are broken (usually through some sort of trauma- IE; head shaking, scratching, infection, ear mites etc...  They bleed in between the 2 layers and the blood has nowhere to go.  Hence the ear swells up.   This happens often to outside tom cats who fight alot.  When they do not receive medical treatment, their ears become scarred and cauliflowered looking from multiple "hematomas".

    This a a painful condition.

    It should be seen by your vet.  They will usually lance it.  Give you antibiotics and an Elizabethan collar for kitty to wear so he can not scratch at it while it heals.  This can take a while and sometime will re-occur.

    Good Luck.  I hope I helped a little and he feels better soon.  :)

  2. Take her to the vet, better safe then sorry cause NO-ONE here can really tell you how to help her/him. Hope this helps !

  3. Aweee lil kitty! :)  It might be a bee sting, wait 2 to 3 days the most and if it's not improving I would take him to the vet...

  4. Some cats with chronic ear infections and/or earmites will scratch their ears so hard that they rupture the blood vessels inside their ear flaps. This causes the ear flap to swell up.

    I have two cats which we have rescued that have done this to their ears.  

    This condition needs to be attended to by a vet as the cats ear will need to be lanced, a wick inserted and allowed to drain until it heals. The cat may require medical treatment to the inside of the ears as well to make certain that the "source" of the problem is eliminated.

    Below is a link that should describe the condtion in detail.

    If you believe your pet is suffering from this or any medical condition, please see your vet.

  5. Take her to the vet but, ... sadly it just might be canser but I'm not positive.

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