
My cats got an IQ of 125. How do I keep it amused?

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My cats got an IQ of 125. How do I keep it amused?




  1. take it to a science lab  

  2. He should get a job.....too much time on his paws!

    Good Luck!

  3. Feed it your face.

  4. let it play with George Wubya Bush his IQ is 125 also they should get along great

  5. Elect it President of the United States.  W's iq is 125 also.  I hope I get to meet him someday.  I carry a piece of yarn in my pocket just in case I see him.  Wouldn't it be amazing to see me in the crowd and as he walks by, I whip out my yarn and dazzle him?

  6. Let it answer some questions on here

  7. First off, how do you know your cat's IQ?

    Second, animals can't be that smart, i'm a Vet, so i know they can't be that smart.

  8. get a dog!

  9. Play scrabbles.

  10. make  him  run for president we need change  there it  is  

  11. buy it a sudoku book.....

  12. Make it open it's own cat food tin and clean it's own tray.

  13. Wow.How the h**l do you get a cats iq tested? :S . Any ways lots of toys. especially a catnip spider they all ways do go crazy with them. Maybe like  ermmmm, a keyboard or something he might like that?

  14. Get him some Dr. Seuss books to read. haha xox

  15. Has your cat been to MENSA for an IQ test or something lol

  16. Help it learn a language, read it 'War and Peace', take it to Paris and teach it piano. He's a pretty cool cat.  

  17. Well, let it do anything it wants. Of course, cats already do anything they want... Let him rule the world, that's every cat's wish.

  18. How did you find out it's iq?

    any ways you could just give it normal toys,lots of love and extra catnip thats what every cat needs als

    also people plz answer my question about rats;...

  19. Doesn't matter how smart they are, they are utter suckers for a catnip mouse on a bit of string :-)

  20. How did u get the IQ of a cat?

  21. Introduce him to some books about Albert Einstien. Then Have an Imtermate conversation about Global Warming.

  22. Let him here or allow him to watch Politics on Tv !

  23. Adopt a fox terrier puppy.  My pup Cricket has ended our two cats cycle of boredom (undoubtably due to their giftedness).  They lay in wait for him to come out of his crate after a nap, and then they coordinate and herd him.  That's right dog, NOT this room.  Nope, not here either. They can lay in doorways in this vast Victorian house and he sits and whimpers for rescue.  

    Cricket gets even.  She finds cat tails ideal for tug of war, and all the merrier if she can get the long haired dachshund Speedy to hold on and help her pull.

    The cat was not amused, but did remind the dogs that cats rule, quickly.

    Definitely, a small breed dog would amuse your cat infinitely.  Especially if you rub catnip between your palms and pet the puppy.  Koko ever so gently pinned the puppy and gave him a sandpaper tongue bath whether he needed it or not.

  24. Make sure his/her toys are very expensive and elaborate.  

  25. How do you know that? Let it out to find it's own life.

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