
My cats habbit is acting strange

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I recently bought a new bag of food for my cats and they seem to like it, but my other cat has been acting strange the way she's eating recently.Usually when we open up a can for the cats she's usually the first one to gobble it up but now she just leaves most of the chunks of treats there and walks away.She always comes to me for food and i follow her and she shows me the bowl and it's full and it seems she does not enjoy it.Not only that but she hasn't been eating like the way she normaly eats (like a pig) she used to be a stray cat and she always begged for food.She would eat every single bit of everything.But im pretty sure this new bag is causing something.It's like a fruit and vegetable bag that gives them good vitamins and a good diet.I used to get them iams but i wantd to try something new.




  1. Be careful, cats are very sensitive when switching diet.  My last cat let herself starve to death because she wouldn't eat the new version of the cat food I bought.

    If the other ones dont have trouble, its ok.  Bu with her, buy the Iams you usually give her and mix a little bit of the new food with it.  Until she gets used to it, add more gradually over the week, and after 2 weeks she should have transitioned.

  2. She doesn't like the new stuff and she's taking you to her bowl for you to take it out and give her the old stuff.

  3. most of your cats like the new food  your other cat does not like it for some reason i would give your cat the food it was used to....that should solve the problem

  4. give her iams, and use up the other stuff on the other cats.

    good luck

  5. I would try something else, some other type of diet food. If you cat isn't eating the food, then she probably doesn't like it, or it upsets her stomach. If you try new diet food, and she still won't eat that, switch back to Iams. If she still wont eat that, then you should probably visit the vet.

  6. I used to have a cat [who used to be a stray] and he would eat a LOT.

    And one day he quit eating too.

    But he had liver problems and died recently.

    I doubt this is your cat's problem though.

    I'm sure it is just the food you bought, and your cat doesn't like it.

    Just give them Iams again.

    Good luck. =]

  7. Your cat is letting you know that she doesn't like that you changed her food. Switch her food back. I have a stray cat too, she gobbles everything up also, but she won't touch canned cat food.

    Good Luck

  8. she doesnt like it. buy the iams before she gets more serious. like pooping in your bed while you are in it.

    cats have very little patience.

  9. she's letting you know that she didn't like the change in her food. You may have to keep her on the Iams and give the other stuff to the other cats.

  10. Cats do NOT like change... AT ALL. If you want to start giving them new food, you should mix it with the old food, and each day mix it with less and less of the old food until one day you are giving her entirely the new food. This should be done over the course of 7-10 days. That way, you are slowly easing her into the change, instead of "BAM! You don't get that old food ever again! Eat this or nothing!" because that's what she's thinking in her hungry little kitty head.

  11. cats eat about the same thing. So give the orignal food back.

  12. When switching food, do it gradually.  Just toss in a half handful of the new stuff at first.  Slowly mix in more and more new with the old, gradually decreasing the old.  If you're lucky, kitty either won't notice or the change will be so gradual it's not worrying.

    Cats aren't exactly finicky eaters like every one says they are, BUT when they throw a tantrum, they're serious.  Your cat is being very clear she's not too happy about the sudden change.  If she decides she's not going to eat it, don't treat her like a toddler holding its breath.  The toddler eventually has to give in a take a breath.  Cats have an amazing tantrum-throwing ability and will starve themselves for days and days on end if they aren't given something they want to eat.

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